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Unforgettable achievement in WRC 10


Complete 12 Anniversary mode events

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How to unlock the Unforgettable achievement

  • This Is Woz08This Is Woz08
    05 Sep 2021 05 Sep 2021 23 Jan 2022
    Looks like an update to the game has changed the order of the events in anniversary mode so this guide doesnt apply anymore.

    This can only be done in the anniversary mode if doesnt count the events in career. Seems to unlock after only 10 events also.

    For some reason the second event counts as 5 so the tracker jumps straight to 50% then continues up to 91% with each event you do.

    Once at 91% you should be at the celica on kenya which wont track so youll have to do one more event being the female audi team at sanremo which will then unlock the achievement after only 10 events.

    I cant really give any tips as it depends on the driver but id imagine some people are stuck on the 3rd event, audi at monte carlo.

    I was stuck on this one for a bit getting 30secs over all the time.
    I was trying to be too fast and kept hitting rocks and snow banks. Slow down a bit, take it easy then you should start crashing less. I ended up around 10secs under after i slowed down and focused on not touching the walls.
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    Dfaultz vpopped on 5th race at finalnd for me too. i had no stress with this was very easy. did one event on another class and the rest on group 4. So i think literally doing all the group 4 events (5) pops it somehow.
    Posted by Dfaultz v on 15 May 22 at 06:20
    RSpecializedTendoman77 Congratulations on your 7:10. Sorry for the late reply.

    I was just putting two and two together so to speak and just assuming the Career events are included.

    I did 6 career Anniversary events before even attempting this achievement. The achievement popped after completing only 4 events in the Anniversary mode. That's 10 total of course.

    Maybe it's just a buggy achievement or the Career events are included.
    Posted by RSpecialized on 21 Jun 22 at 23:52
    Capt PoopeyI noticed a small game update last night so jumped in and managed to beat the Seb Loeb Anniversary event at Sweden in career - the tracker did not go up. I'll need to lift my game and do this the hard way!
    Posted by Capt Poopey on 23 Jun 22 at 21:35
    Sol76Maybe a stupid question , but where are the anniversary races located?
    I tried the "anniversary Mode"in the main menu , but
    1) that does not give me a time to beat , just a stage where every section is Green ,
    whatever time it takes. In the end i "beat" the stage but without beating a time , just a
    leaderboard at the end.
    2) Beating multiple stages did not move the tracker 1% so i think that either i am doing
    something wrong or i have to do the races in a different part of the game. I tried a couple in the career but ( I don't know if it was the one everyone is speaking about ) there was a stage that was pretty tough to even get close.

    I even tried to match the cars with the year the stage took place but that didn't help either.
    Posted by Sol76 on 04 Nov 22 at 13:55
    TheGillesMullerYeah only 5 is required now, I did 1 in career + 4 in the mode itself and it popped.
    Posted by TheGillesMuller on 24 Feb 23 at 23:02
    VOODOO85To add to times to look for in the 3rd challenge, when i beat the challenge, i crossed the bridge at the end of sector 3 at 4:10. I then proceeded to have 7s of penalties in the last 2 sectors and finished with a time of 7:13

    EDIT: popped for me after doing 4 events (i done 1 in career but progress tracker was 0% when started this in Anniversary mode). First 2 events both progressed the tracker bar 8% each but then a big jump after 3rd event and achievement popped after 4th
    Posted by VOODOO85 on 23 Mar 23 at 20:16
    HaukkisHow you unlock those events for the Anniversary mode? Also, do you have to win those events for the achievement or just complete them?
    Posted by Haukkis on 09 Oct 23 at 08:25
    Ox1893If this guide doesn’t apply anymore, you should delete this guide. I have voted this down.
    Posted by Ox1893 on 18 Nov 23 at 06:06
    Angel76VLCIn the third stage I found usefull disable SCT to get a better time
    Posted by Angel76VLC on 07 Dec 23 at 13:27
    HaukkisThese times are IMPOSSIBLE to beat, at least on Xbox One version with 30 fps... I haven't won any, I tried several inside Career mode but didn't manage to win any of those... Tried the first one outside Career in Anniversary Mode, the one with Alpine A110... Couldn get under 7 min, no matter how fast I drive. Undoable with controller, at least with Xbox One... :(
    Posted by Haukkis on 19 Apr at 13:03
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