Q-YO Blaster

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You have One Million...of points achievement in Q-YO Blaster

You have One Million...of points

Get 1000000 points

You have One Million...of points0

How to unlock the You have One Million...of points achievement

  • DwaggieniteDwaggienite
    01 Aug 2021 01 Aug 2021 01 Aug 2021
    11 0 0
    This pops at the end of the game when it shows your final score.

    I highly recommend going for this on Arcade Extreme mode.

    Whilst this is incredibly difficult, the game actually helps you.

    For a starty, you can power up your weapon in the between-level shop.
    Next, each continue you use sacrifices 50,000 points, but this doesn't matter, because you have a maximum of 99 continues to use. Despite you needing 1,000,000 points, the points sacrificed REALLY don't matter, because you get 1 million points outright for beating the 2nd form of the final boss, so as long as you complete this mode in under 99 continues, you're guaranteed the achievement.

    I hope this helps!
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