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Godmode achievement in Recompile


Fully upgrade all Abilities.

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How to unlock the Godmode achievement

  • Lildude3107Lildude3107
    01 Sep 2021 03 Sep 2021 22 Nov 2021
    You will need all upgrades:

    Deletion upgrades are found: Install Room, TET Shield, TET Access Control, TET last room, Hex Databank.

    Transversal upgrades are found: Install Room, TET Access Control, HEX Maintenance, OKT Communications, OKT Quantum Cores x2, OKT last room

    Hacking upgrades are found: Central Exchange, TET Shield, HEX Maintenance, HEX last room, ICO last room.

    You can check the locations in the 100% Guide starting at 41:01.


    00:00 Intro | Install Room | Installation Wizard Achievement
    04:49 TET Biome | Security Systems Online Achievement
    12:43 HEX Biome | Data Processing Online Achievement
    22:19 OKT Biome | Mission Control Online Achievement
    37:02 ICO Biome | Biosphere Online Achievement
    41:01 Firewall Achievement
    42:13 FTL Achievement
    43:30 Admin Access + Godmode Achievements
    45:08 Spyware + Vaporware Achievements
    45:57 Maleware + Botnet Farmer + Code Jumper Achievements
    46:36 TET Memories (12) | Friend Achievement
    48:49 HEX Memories (11) | Conspirator Achievement
    51:29 OKT Memories (10) | Assistant AChievement
    54:16 ICO Memories | Colleague
    57:24 User Memories | Eulogist Achievement
    59:15 Last Boss | Arachnocide, Singularity, Scorched Earth, Theocratic, Solopsist, Ecocentric Achievements
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