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Code Jumper achievement in Recompile

Code Jumper

Survive a lethal fall.

Code Jumper0
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How to unlock the Code Jumper achievement

  • pomikolipomikoli
    19 Aug 2021 19 Aug 2021 19 Aug 2021
    In the green level you'll get double jump ability, it's on the very top of the tower, to have it show up you need to hit 3 switches located next to each other. With your new double jump you can jump off and use you double jump just before landing to save yourself.

    NOTE: you can survive lethal fall by using the dash ability just before landing, that will however not unlock the achievement.
    Showing all 3 comments. Leave a comment.
    Iggsy81I actually got it much earlier, taking an elevator down i just jumped off the elevator just before it reached the bottom of the tracks and it gave me the chevo for some reason. This was the elevator down where you get the disrupt/shoot ability.
    Posted by Iggsy81 on 21 Aug 21 at 19:14
    corpirateI got this somewhere in the install level at the start of the game by complete accident, I think it was when falling from a height which prompts the ground slam/kneel animation.
    Posted by corpirate on 11 Jul 22 at 15:41
    Lyy7512Yes, I also unlocked it at the first level. If you don't always pursue to reach the end of the level quickly but wander around like me and can't find the target route, you will jump off a platform in front of the end of the level (or lean against the wall at the same time) without death. It gave me achievements at the first level.
    Posted by Lyy7512 on 11 Feb 23 at 00:42
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