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Calcium Deficiency achievement in Craftopia

Calcium Deficiency

Defeat a Bone Dragon for the first time

Calcium Deficiency0

How to unlock the Calcium Deficiency achievement

  • pomikolipomikoli
    07 Sep 2021 06 Sep 2021 07 Sep 2021
    Bone Dragons are located on Desert Islands. Bone dragons only "activate" when you're close by (within few feet). I believe you can find them on desert island level 4+, these dragons are usually around level 108 so, be warned. There are 2 types of bone dragons, fake and real ones. The real ones look a bit more destroyed. Walk up to a bone dragon and if it doesn't wake up it's the fake one.

    As pointed out by Jay Cowl if you die go back to where the dragon was, its health does not reset.

    It also doesn't matter if you use magic or swords, as long as you hit its core.

    If you're struggling with the fight here's my one shot build (Deals about 60-70k per hit)

    2x 400+ ATK weapons

    Combat skills:
    Charge strike - lvl2
    Battle hymn, dual wield, berserk, backwater formation, unstoppable, lai slash - all max lvl
    Lean force - lvl1
    Wild Might - max level

    Before the boss room eat raw meat and apply all 3 buffs, come up to the boss and use Lai Slash, boom 70k damage. Warning you're extremely vulnerable with the buffs on.
    Showing all 10 comments. Leave a comment.
    x Tyian xI found my first one in the hell biome but it was way too hard, found a bone dragon in the desert after killing the red dragon on the mountain. You can tell the difference if it’s real or fake if it has so many more bones under the main skeleton
    Posted by x Tyian x on 06 Sep 21 at 20:19
    Jay CowlShould also be noted they are resistant to physical damage. I suggest specing into magic with lighting and meteor attack. Straight north of the spawn is a village on top of the mountain. Purchase foods that have 15-30 second cool down with 350 HP heal. Whole fight took about 15 minutes. If you die you'll revive back at the spawn and can run back with his health being the same.
    Posted by Jay Cowl on 06 Sep 21 at 23:12
    pomikoliResistant but not immune, i dual wielded 2x 410atk weapons with most points in combat and it took me about 5 mins to take it down
    Posted by pomikoli on 07 Sep 21 at 00:32
    Doomed Saintis there some kind of trick to getting these guys to spawn, i've looked on like 5 different desert islands and i haven't found one. is there a minimum or maximum level that they spawn at or do i have to clear all the dungeons on the island or something it's really getting annoying.
    Posted by Doomed Saint on 10 Sep 21 at 04:46
    pomikoli@Doomed Saint load up a level 4+ desert island and wait around for say 5 mins, then run around and you should find it. I've noticed it takes about 5 mins for the dragon to spawn
    Posted by pomikoli on 10 Sep 21 at 10:27
    WifelikeDripI found my first one on a level 2 Desert of Valley.. but been farming a Red Dragon and a Bone Dragon in a level 3 Desert of Mountain all on the same visit.
    Posted by WifelikeDrip on 10 Sep 21 at 19:12
    GrumpyYogi1968Well, I have 8 desert islands from lvl 3 to 7 and I have never seen a bone dragon yet. I go in one, spend a good 20 min there, fight 2 or 3 red dragons but cannot get a single bone dragon to show up. 3 hours of that yesterday, dozens of red dragons dead and no bone dragon. Am starting to wonder if they exist on xbox...

    edit: Well, maybe i should have ranted earlier cuz my very next try after this post, i found a bone dragon laying on the beach and gave him the beating of his life :)
    Posted by GrumpyYogi1968 on 10 Oct 21 at 21:54
    pomikoliHahahaha, glad you found it. usually took a while for mine to spawn in
    Posted by pomikoli on 11 Oct 21 at 09:06
    Capn BeavJust found mine on a level 1 island. Just needed some time to spawn.
    Posted by Capn Beav on 14 Oct 21 at 22:17
    afatlemur2277cant find any to save my life
    Posted by afatlemur2277 on 21 Apr 22 at 04:17
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