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Hunter of Monsters achievement in Craftopia

Hunter of Monsters

Defeat 100 enemies

Hunter of Monsters0

How to unlock the Hunter of Monsters achievement

  • Removed Gamer
    Gamer has been removed
    This can be completed on the first island or as you progress naturally to other islands. Enemies are essentially anything that isn't wildlife or NPC. The first enemy you encounter will be a blue slime with a white circle on it's face called a mono, defeat 100 of them or a combination of them and the skeletons in the starter dungeons.

    Around the island mono can be found.
    External image

    Dungeon of the Island: Skeletons can be fought.
    External image

    Dungeon of the Island: Lizards can be fought.
    External image
    Showing only comment. Leave a comment.
    DubiousOspreyKilling the tutorial people on the bridge also count towards this.
    Posted by DubiousOsprey on 16 Jan 22 at 14:30
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