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Civil Engineering achievement in Craftopia

Civil Engineering

Gather 1000 Stones

Civil Engineering0

How to unlock the Civil Engineering achievement

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    **Total is not cumulative! You must have the entire amount in your inventory for it to count.
    **You can boost this with a friend by picking up enough stone to have 999/1000 and then hitting a nearby rock to get the last stone and the achievement should unlock no problem.

    Craft yourself a few Stone Pickaxes and smash away. This shouldn't take very long without the help of any additional skills but if you're going to allocate your points that way, here's how to do it.

    Open your menu and go to the Skills tab and then select the Living section of skills. allocate one (or more) skill points to Miner's Quick Work (+damage to rocks/minerals) and then allocate one or more into Sense of Miner (chance to mine extra resources and drop larger quantities) to help you.

    Island 1-2 Cherry Blossom is where you can find huge rock formations.
    External image

    Apply the same method to Copper ore deposits.
    CraftopiaCu Later, CoppersThe Cu Later, Coppers achievement in Craftopia worth 193 pointsGather 1000 Copper Ores
    Showing most recent comments. View all comments.
    Har MiggidoYou need to have these resources in your inventory. Don't sell or drop as it you'll need to gather the same amount to get your progress level again
    Posted by Har Miggido on 05 Sep 21 at 12:22
    Har MiggidoSorry that I told you twice :)
    Posted by Har Miggido on 05 Sep 21 at 14:03
    DefEdgeHaven't played yet, but I have a friend who may be interested. If you gather the 1k stone (copper, iron, etc) and you hand the pile to the friend, do they get the achievement as well or do they need to gather the materials themselves? It seems like you could pass them along and it would count as 'gathered' but you can't always be sure, especially when you have to have the full amount on your person.
    Posted by DefEdge on 05 Sep 21 at 19:40
    pomikoliIt's worth to mention that there are these flat patches of ore (one for each ore), these provide unlimited ore. On your map these are marked with tiny flat round rocks
    Posted by pomikoli on 07 Sep 21 at 11:47
    PlayerPoetYou can also do it by collecting a 1000 stones from a chest you've had gradually being filled by an extractor. Save and quit the game. Reload the game and then the game thinks you've just collected them in that instance and the achievement pops. Worked for me anyway.
    Posted by PlayerPoet on 10 Sep 21 at 00:12
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