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Treasure Hunter achievement in FINAL FANTASY XIII (Windows)

Treasure Hunter

Held every weapon and accessory.

Treasure Hunter0

How to unlock the Treasure Hunter achievement

  • trollsboxtrollsbox
    25 Jun 2022 25 Jun 2022 21 May 2024
    Since there are already great guides elsewhere online ill post a checklist and a hint or 2 about the achievement to clarify some things.


    Steam Guide Link

    1. Open every treasure ball in Chapters 1-10 and 13, even those guarded by powerful enemies
    2. Do as many missions in Chapter 11 as you can! Many of them offer outstanding rewards
    3. Never sell/dismantle any rings that grant elemental resistances, or any Charms
    4. you don't need to have every item in your inventory at once, you just need to have held it at any point during your playthrough.
    5 You only need one ultimate weapon per character.
    6 The achievement doesn't unlock automatically.
    7.You must talk to the robot in Oreba Village called Bhakti once you have all the weapons and accessories to unock this achievement. I was confused as to why it was not unlocking once I double checked I had all the items and such.
    8. NotMitt44 says, " Make certain the language is in English. Languages like Spanish have similar names and can make it confusing when looking at the names"
    Showing all 3 comments. Leave a comment.
    Tozi TiberiusThe Steam guide insinuates that it's not enough to hold each weapon and accessory, but you must actually craft them from a lower form.
    Posted by Tozi Tiberius on 23 Jan 24 at 13:19
    NotMit44This guide really helped me a lot, I was already thinking that I had to play from the beginning due to the lack of an accessory and the only thing I needed was to improve it, something extremely useful is the "check list", it really helps a lot to organize +1 friend and thank you very much <3.

    An extremely important tip if anyone reads this: Change the language of the game to English, I speak Spanish but some names tend to be very similar and can cause confusion, this way you can see the checklist and be calmer.

    Collect a lot of money, you will need it :')
    Posted by NotMit44 on 20 May 24 at 03:01
    trollsbox@NotMit44. I am glad I was able to help you. That is also a great tip about the language, that ill add to the soultion.
    Posted by trollsbox on 21 May 24 at 15:00
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