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I Foiled A Plot And I Liked It achievement in Sonic Colors: Ultimate

I Foiled A Plot And I Liked It

Complete Terminal Velocity

I Foiled A Plot And I Liked It0
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How to unlock the I Foiled A Plot And I Liked It achievement

  • segagamersegagamer
    14 Sep 2021 16 Sep 2021 24 Jul 2023
    Terminal Velocity becomes available after completing the 6 Zones prior and is selected from the bottom left section. This Zone is shorter than the rest to which it only has two short acts - Act 1 is literally just 'hold B' when you're Super Sonic, Act 2 is ungraded and consists of you just running forwards, then the final boss stage.

    You are only graded for Act 1 and the Boss.
    Showing all 5 comments. Leave a comment.
    Dread ReaverThe first stage is very tricky, the robot thing chasing me doesn't give any indication of which lasers it will shoot so I have to guess which lane to be in otherwise it's instant death - am I missing something? Guides mention that it should give a hint as to which lasers it will shoot, but I see no such thing before it blasts me...
    Posted by Dread Reaver on 24 Jul 23 at 03:19
    segagamer> The first stage is very tricky, the robot thing chasing me doesn't give any indication of which lasers it will shoot so I have to guess which lane to be in otherwise it's instant death

    You don't need to guess anything. Turn into Super Sonic ASAP, then hold B until the end.

    For extra points just spam the bumpers until you stop getting the bonuses.
    Posted by segagamer on 24 Jul 23 at 14:26
    Dread ReaverHow do you turn into Super Sonic?
    Posted by Dread Reaver on 25 Jul 23 at 07:30
    count023You need to get all 180 rings first to go super sonic. So if you haven't it wont work.

    Here's a pro tip for those with the graphic glitch that doesn't tell you when the boss is firing lasers... don't flee.

    Save up all your boost until the boss turns up. dont move away from him. When the boss pulls up a hand to punch (his hand flashes purple), press and hold jump, the punch will wiff every time and he wont fire his lasers at all since you're so close to him.

    Once you get past the 2nd breakable wall, just use your regular boost until the end of the stage.

    You wont get hit a single time with this method.
    Posted by count023 on 05 Dec 23 at 06:41
    Dread Reaver@count023 great strategy, argh I was losing my mind!
    Posted by Dread Reaver on 16 Dec 23 at 04:22
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