Pretty easy on Sweet Mountain Act 1
1st Ring can be seen as you approach a large amount of Orange Enemies Right of a front facing spring.
2nd can be found as soon as you find the drill wisp. Dig down after grabbing the wisp and go right and search around for a red star ring trapped inside a square of boxes you need to drill through
3rd can be found by going down right after the second ring and dropping next to a Ghost Wisp. Take the Ghost Wisp and go as low down as you can under a green pipe then run all the way to the right. There's a button on the wall to reveal another Ghost Wisp. Ghost up above where you spawned the wisp to another State Ring
4th can be seen in the right corner as you're running head on towards the middle that's constantly firing. You'll see it near the corner of the red spring
5th can be found dead Infront of the final giant missile you have to avoid. There's 3 red springs in front of it. If you touch these springs you'll be forced away from the ring and won't be able to grab it without restarting.