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Legends achievement in Halo Infinite


At the end he was just a soldier. Hoping he'd done the right thing.

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How to unlock the Legends achievement

  • WaubugWaubug
    31 Dec 2021 01 Jan 2022 01 Jan 2022
    17 4 6
    You get this achievement for defeating Atriox in the House of Reckoning. He is the penultimate boss.
    The battle
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    Gizmo2kThink you've got the name wrong: Escharum is this baddie.
    Posted by Gizmo2k on 08 Jan 22 at 21:17
    bjoe01This battle SUCKED on Legendary, good luck!
    Posted by bjoe01 on 16 Jan 22 at 05:14
    bjoe01This battle SUCKED on Legendary, good luck!
    Posted by bjoe01 on 16 Jan 22 at 05:19
    FruitofPassionCan 2nd it that this battle is indeed just not fun at all on legendary difficulty.
    And also yes the name is wrong, Atriox has been gone like the entire game.
    Posted by FruitofPassion on 01 May 22 at 20:47
    VileFleshHammerThis achievement didn't pop for me when I beat Escharum today. I'm doing Legendary so I better not get screwed out of the achievement for beating the game on legendary
    Posted by VileFleshHammer on 12 Aug 22 at 23:15
    PsYKloNiKBeat him on legendary last night; stockpiled fusion coils where he spawns and immediately launched a rocket to essentially skip phase 1

    Phase 2 is pretty easy if you spend 80% of your time grappling/dodging and taking potshots; I wasted my rocket ammo here to make the fight faster

    Phase 3 is real b!tch and I wish I had saved my power weapons for this fight; all I had was a skewer and you can at most get one shot off at a time. DO NOT USE turrets unless it’s the very beginning of the fight; I lucked out with a checkpoint with him across the room and me next to a turret. Could reliably take out 1/3 of his remaining health and hopefully stick him before starting to run. Stun locking is important if you can time it right; a few disruptor shots or a skewer shot to the head or even a few mauler shots to the head with cause a 1 second or so stun; use this to stick and run or unload whatever ammo you can. If you’re facing him when he leaps and you survive; grapple directly past him rather than try to run away. Do as many figure 8s as you can; distance isn’t as important as a wall between the two of you. Keep in mind the more armour he loses the faster he moves; try to only get headshots so he only loses his helmet. Grapple is your most important tool here; aim toward the outer walls or into a hallway from an angle then immediately start turning the camera the opposite direction to get the most speed and distance per shot. Get comfortable switching between thrust and grapple (I didn’t use any of the other abilities on this fight in my run)

    Good luck; you’re nearly there
    Posted by PsYKloNiK on 28 Sep 22 at 01:50
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