21 9 12Actions The first Banished audio log of the campaign can be found shortly before the end of the first mission.You can see where it's found here: Guide not helping? View 1 more guide for this achievement.Showing most recent comments. View all comments. This popped for me after force closing and restarting my game, so if it doesn't pop you might want to try that. Popped like 2 days after earning it, quick resume seems to be causing some issues with the achievements.Posted by theandrew13 on 10 Dec 21 at 14:16 This achievement didn't unlock for me when I picked up the first one in the first mission. Managed to get it to pop by fully closing the game, deleting local save (I would advise against deleting your entire save from everywhere as suggested above, unless you're not that far in), and then a hard reset of the Xbox. When I rebooted the game, and it had resynced my campaign save from the cloud, I loaded back in and started a new objective on Zeta Halo and then it popped when I reached the objective.Posted by Afram64 on 11 Dec 21 at 17:15 I somehow got the one for all banished audio logs before I realized this was glitched. Should I delete my cloud saves from everywhere or will it delete all my skulls too? Really don't want to go get all that stuff again.Posted by Wookiee Hairem on 12 Dec 21 at 21:08 Leave a comment
1 0 0Actions You only need to find one Banished Audio Log for this achievement, but there are 28 in total hidden on the Halo Zeta. Here's a guide to finding them all: 🔽