4 2 10Actions Can be boosted with a friend or a second pad, just take all wickets with one bowler.Can be combined with "How the turntables".Showing all 10 comments. Leave a comment. Missed chance for this achievement to be called the Ajaz Patel Award. Ah well.Posted by WithTheDawn on 10 Apr 22 at 04:12 How do I stay with the same bowler, the game forces me to switch after my 5th wicket?Posted by rthompson94 on 29 Apr 22 at 00:11 Not sure I understand why its done this unless you used all your overs with that bowler in limited overs (T20 etc)Posted by Tierneybobs1 on 29 Apr 22 at 10:17 Can somebody help please? I can throw only 5 times (Sorry I'm very-very new to cricket games and don't know, how this works)Posted by WaTL Patkolo on 07 Jan 23 at 15:45 @WaTL Patkolo - Might be easier in Test Mode, but I assume you only get to bowl 5 overs before you have to swap, which is apart of the rules in smaller formats of Cricket. If you can't get all the wickets in them 5 overs, you can wait till you are allowed to swap back or just go into test mode.Posted by Keyser Soze0000 on 07 Jan 23 at 16:38 @withthedawn - or laker. Or kumblePosted by TheGreatKoala on 10 Mar 23 at 09:09 Im assuming the people saying they have to swap after 5 wickets are playing in the hundred with its 5 ball oversPosted by TheGreatKoala on 10 Mar 23 at 09:10 I did this achievement in play now with Australia vs England The Hundred match type. I used 2 controllers, I used the R stick to move the batter away from the middle sticks so I could pitch 1 pitch wickets, the absolute fastest way to get wickets. Would highly recommend using 2 controllers sine the CPU rarely hits into wicketsAfter getting a few wickets the game asked to switch bowlers but I was able to click and select the same person I used from the start. After a couple of more wickets the game changed my bowler automatically. When the game did this, I bowled and kept getting hits and made sure not not to get myself out. After a few minutes the game went back to my original bowler. I was able to finish, get 10 wickets with that bowler and then score enough runs when the teams switched to win the game and get the achievementPosted by Rocman 4210 on 26 Mar 23 at 05:13 Even in test mode, I could not switch directly back, but the best thing I found was to have my 2nd bowler (not Root) pitch just off wicket and make sure that the second controller was in a defensive hitting (holding Y) to protect against any accidental wickets. Eventually, I got all 10 wickets with Root and got the achievement.Posted by Tostie14 on 18 Jun 24 at 22:12 This doesn't pop for me, Does it have to be 10 in a row? I got all wickets with one bowler twice and its not poppedPosted by JasonPlato5 on 26 Jun 24 at 19:38 Leave a comment