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Distance Runner achievement in Cricket 22

Distance Runner

Score 500 runs running between wickets across all game modes.

Distance Runner0

How to unlock the Distance Runner achievement

  • RawwwrrrrrRawwwrrrrr
    08 Apr 2022 08 Apr 2022 08 Apr 2022
    14 2 7
    If you want to get this over and done with quickly, you can play with two controllers.

    Make sure you're batting first, then with your second controller go into the Settings and turn "Assisted Fielding" to "Manual" (it's listed in "General Settings").

    Then simply bowl and hit a shot. The fielders will just stand still so you can mash cn_X and rack up the runs. Once you think you've got enough, just get the ball with your second controller.

    Note: There doesn't seem to be a limit of how many runs you can score from one ball this way (I managed 212 in one go when testing to see if it counted).
    Showing all 7 comments. Leave a comment.
    UridotchiNote that you can't just run over 500 in a single form of games modes. I scored over 600+ runs in test match but didn't pop. Achievement only popped when I scored another 100+ runs in an ODI.
    Posted by Uridotchi on 11 Apr 22 at 07:26
    supkrisLol don’t want to do this but it’s hilarious that it’s possible to do this in the game. Can’t even imagine this happening in real world cricket. Good solution nevertheless. I tried running 46 runs before I got bored. Should most likely come during career mode
    Posted by supkris on 11 Apr 22 at 10:07
    deutschZuiddoes it have to be your career player? Or you can just bat with anyone?
    Posted by deutschZuid on 31 May 22 at 07:15
    exactor itQuick tip: do all other stuff first while taking easy singles if you're batting. Especially to keep the strike at the end of an over. During mop up make sure to take a fast men's player. They run much faster than the women players in the game.
    Posted by exactor it on 18 Jul 22 at 20:55
    MmmmDanoneDoes anyone know if they patched this? I'm playing with 2 controllers and the fielding set to manual but the AI is still throwing the ball back after 1/2 runs.
    Posted by MmmmDanone on 16 Jun 23 at 12:02
    p1tchf0rdI was having the same issue where they would still automatically throw it back. But if you hit it into a space you can keep running as long as noone picks it up. I was just doing a defensive shit then immediately spamming run and went from there
    Posted by p1tchf0rd on 21 Oct 23 at 14:24
    JacobBartonI had the same problem with the fielders automatically throwing it back.
    Just press Y and block it and make sure it doesn't go to a fielder and you should just be able to keep running between wickets.
    Posted by JacobBarton on 03 Jun 24 at 05:00
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