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Title Update 4

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Title Update 4

Pantheon of fat chickens 5 achievement in 50 Years

Pantheon of fat chickens 5

Pick your fifth faith skill at the Pantheon of fat chickens

Pantheon of fat chickens 50
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How to unlock the Pantheon of fat chickens 5 achievement

    19 Feb 2022 19 Feb 2022 19 Feb 2022
    106 0 4
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    Special game > Pioneers > Very easy > Byzantines

    Year 1: Hire 4 peasants (you should have 5 in total)
    Year 2: Construct church
    Year 3: End year
    Year 4: End year
    Year 5: Pick two faiths (Pantheon of fat chickens/Chicken father) > Construct Chicken farm > Hire 4 Swordsmen and 2 peasants > End year > fight
    Year 6: End year
    Year 7: Construct chicken farm > End year
    Year 8: End year
    Year 9: End year
    Year 10: End year > Fight > Pick faith (Zombie chickens)
    Year 11: Construct Barracks > Hire 4 Swordsmen and 2 peasants > End year > Fight
    Year 12: End year
    Year 13: Construct chicken farm > End year > Fight
    Year 14: End year > Fight
    Year 15: Hire 2 peasants > End year > Fight
    Year 16: End year
    Year 17: Construct Barracks > Hire 4 Swordsmen > End year > Fight > Pick a faith (Nutritious diet)
    Year 18: End year
    Year 19: End year > Fight
    Year 20: End year > Fight
    Year 21: End year
    Year 22: End year
    Year 23: End year > Fight
    Year 24: End year > Fight
    Year 25: End year > Fight > Pick final faith (Chicken Devil)
    Showing all 4 comments. Leave a comment.
    GR34TD3STR0Y3RThis is stupid easy.
    I have 100% this game on PC and console. Actually, put a lot of time into it because I rather enjoy it.
    But this is the easiest and fastest way to play that I have seen yet for those wanted to race through it. I applied your method to PC version as well, it made the newest title up date for PC version take about 10 minutes.
    Posted by GR34TD3STR0Y3R on 20 Feb 22 at 10:03
    GR34TD3STR0Y3RThis is stupid easy.
    I have 100% this game on PC and console. Actually, put a lot of time into it because I rather enjoy it.
    But this is the easiest and fastest way to play that I have seen yet for those wanted to race through it. I applied your method to PC version as well, it made the newest title up date for PC version take about 10 minutes.
    Posted by GR34TD3STR0Y3R on 21 Feb 22 at 06:53
    InviernoCero2- Fantastic guide, thank you clap
    - Fantástica guía, gracias clap
    Posted by InviernoCero2 on 24 Feb 22 at 10:59
    RED3MPTION 4 1My fights didn't exactly line up on the same years as listed, but still worked just fine. Very quick and easy guide
    Posted by RED3MPTION 4 1 on 10 Mar 22 at 05:23
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