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Overpowered achievement in Young Souls


Upgrade a weapon to 6 stars


How to unlock the Overpowered achievement

  • Ssj SeanSsj Sean
    14 Mar 2022 14 Mar 2022 14 Mar 2022
    10 3 6
    To get a weapon to 6 stars it must be capable of that upgrade, ie be purple rarity and have the 6 total stars at the top of the weapon portrait. The first weapon you get that you can do this with is near the end of the first area, "Yarlanda's Long Sword" you get from beating Yarlanda's first mausoleum. To upgrade the weapon all the way, you'll need basically 1 of each of the weapon upgrade items which you'll get from chests and drops. You should have found the last piece you need, the diamond, by the time you clear the 2nd area. Once you have both a 6* capable weapon and enough mats, just go to the Goblin Market blacksmith and upgrade the weapon to its maximum.

    Happy Gunting
    Showing all 6 comments. Leave a comment.
    rocking23nfi cant seem to the weapon guy to upgrade anything, everything says its locked, im almost at the end of the game, he did upgrades earlier in the game.
    Posted by rocking23nf on 16 Mar 22 at 04:03
    Ssj SeanNever encountered this, but try the manual jump down the well to get to the market instead of teleporting in? Marketplace seems buggy hope you get it!
    Posted by Ssj Sean on 20 Mar 22 at 06:56
    CheshireMulishaNice and easy, frustratingly I got the upgrade materials for the last 3 upgrades before the 1st 2! (Thought I might be able to upgrade it early and power through the next couple of dungeons but had to beat Drowned Caverns. Cest la vie)
    Posted by CheshireMulisha on 12 Apr 22 at 19:47

    I don't think you can get some of the higher level items, like the diamond, if you have already opened all the chests.
    Posted by MoneyShot360 on 22 Dec 22 at 18:30
    I Like DrinkinI cheesed this by upgrading, letting the cheevo pop, then reloading. I'm not sure how rare Diamonds are, and one is needed for the Righteous Slayer, so I would suggest this cheese, if you are able.
    Posted by I Like Drinkin on 05 Mar 23 at 04:05
    Karachi KingIs there a trick to getting this to unlock? I upgraded a weapon to level six some time ago and didn't realise the achievement didn't pop. Now I've done a second weapon several times (quitting to menu after so I don't waste materials), but no success.
    I've been able to go and unlock other achievements without issue.
    EDIT: I started a new game on easy, quickly smashed through minimal areas to get the weapon and materials, and the achievement unlocked fine this time.
    Posted by Karachi King on 08 Mar 23 at 06:31
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