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Big Guy achievement in Mini Ninjas

Big Guy

Defeat a large one

Big Guy0

How to unlock the Big Guy achievement

  • Unlikely PotatoUnlikely Potato
    13 Sep 2009 13 Sep 2009 13 Sep 2009
    12 0 0
    This is the easiest to do with 'Futo' as he is the biggest out of all five ninja.

    You will first come across a 'large one' when you gain access to the Castle.

    Simply land two normal (X) attacks on the 'large one', you will then be prompted (on-screen) to press (A).

    When you press (A) 'Futo' will jump up and hit the 'large one' on his head with his hammer.

    Simply repeat this process untill you defeat 'large one'. On the hardest difficulty a 'large one' shouldn't need more than 2-3 attacks in this manner to beat.
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