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Smell You Later achievement in Mini Ninjas

Smell You Later

Defeat Boss Windy Pants

Smell You Later0

How to unlock the Smell You Later achievement

  • Unlikely PotatoUnlikely Potato
    13 Sep 2009 14 Sep 2009
    22 1 2
    This is the boss of the Wind Castle and he uses farts as attacks.

    He takes 3 sets of attacks to beat (the same as 'Boss Lumbering Fool').

    He doesn't move and only has 3 attacks.

    Basically just wait for him to let out a fart cloud and have it chase you back towards him.

    Then use the following combination of buttons:

    (Y), (repeatedly tap A), (Y), (repeatedly tap A), then (X) to finish the combo.

    Repeat this another 2 times and your done.

    Just watch out for his charged fart attack, as the only way to avoid it is to jump at just the right time.

    You'll know it's coming as he starts to strain loudly.
    Showing both comments. Leave a comment.
    The AustraliansOh my God. We were talking about farting in the chat room at the time I read this. I cried and cried with laughter. I love you man. Your solution kicks ass.
    Posted by The Australians on 08 Feb 10 at 11:24
    Barad 007Yhh this is aome awesome solution, I didn't need it but I laiughed so much when I done this boss lol LOVE THIS GAME!
    Posted by Barad 007 on 21 May 11 at 14:14
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