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Good Practice achievement in Rogue Legacy 2

Good Practice

Spinkick every object on the Docks without touching the floor.

Good Practice0

How to unlock the Good Practice achievement

  • CultOfLuna64CultOfLuna64
    02 May 2022 02 May 2022 02 May 2022
    11 0 3
    Simple enough achievement but you'll need to progress a bit in the game to do it. You'll need to purchase the Blacksmith and the Training Dummy from the castle skill tree to add them to the docks.

    As well as that, you'll need to find the Pizza Girl. She's in the second area, Axis Mundi, which is always to the east of the first area. Once you engage her services she'll also appear at the docks.

    Once you have all these at the docks, you'll notice several items you can spinkick (LB) off. There's the chimney on the Blacksmith's hut, a lamp nearby, targets all around the Training Dummy (and the Dummy itself), and then across to the chimney of the house with Pizza Girl outside, and the sign in front of it. I thought you might have to land in Charon's boat to finish this, but it popped for me in midair after hitting the last one.
    Showing all 3 comments. Leave a comment.
    LunarKnightXI think you need to beat at least one boss to have the house the pizza girl stands by show up.
    Posted by LunarKnightX on 14 May 22 at 02:25
    Magic Skoo1 BusI started at the dummy then went counter clockwise with the targets, falling down to blacksmith chimney then all the ones in the middle headed right to the anchor and ending with the weather vane.
    Posted by Magic Skoo1 Bus on 15 May 22 at 18:05
    ChiflaGoodluckSeems like you do need to land on Charon’s boat, that or the pop takes a couple seconds to show up.
    Posted by ChiflaGoodluck on 14 Jul 23 at 07:43
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