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Erebus Purified achievement in Rogue Legacy 2

Erebus Purified

Earn a bronze trophy or higher for every Scar Challenge.

Erebus Purified0

How to unlock the Erebus Purified achievement

  • Like A Bob RossLike A Bob Ross
    09 Aug 2022 09 Aug 2022 09 Aug 2022
    Here's a quick article that I referred to regularly. It shows the location of each scar and how to unlock them.

    One more note: I found completing scars was easier if I checked with Geras in the Drift House every time after selecting a new character. Many scars require attempts with several different characters, so if you make it a habit to visit Geras each time, you'll find it easier to complete.

    Also, for all scars except the character-locked ones (like Heavy Weapons), try to complete scars with as *few* empathetic connections as possible. While those make the challenge easier, you are penalized in the final score fpr using them. I completed most scars with only 2-3 empathies.
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    ComicKaze23Does this include the dreams that were added later? I've done Bronze in everything but those and the achievement hasn't popped.
    EDIT: Checked around, after doing all normal ones you have to go back in to the first one and talk to Geras to get Bronze for that one as well. Then it pops. Dreams are not required.
    Posted by ComicKaze23 on 31 Oct 23 at 04:41
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