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Full House achievement in Rogue Legacy 2

Full House

Befriend everyone.

Full House0

How to unlock the Full House achievement

  • pikapi0941pikapi0941
    05 May 2022 05 May 2022 05 May 2022
    This achievement takes the longest to achieve, and should be left for last. This achievement requires you to:

    1. Talk to all characters when they have a ,(...) over their heads enough for 500 souls. This includes the dragon who is in the 6th area, after you beat the boss there. The fastest way to get his souls is to lock the dungeon and teleport to him, then retire, and repeat. Pet him while you're at it for another achievement and for a cute animation.

    2. Get the achievements Erebus Purified (complete all scar challenges) and Just the Beginning (unlock Soul Shop Overload).

    3. Find all 4 eggplants and interact (rb) with them. This requires either flight from the House Rules or Icarus Wings. One is at the top left of the tutorial area. Another is at the top of the area with the gold chests in the red portals. Third is in the snow area with the lake above the rock between the start of the room and the statue that gives you permanent powerups after a trial. Fourth is to the left of the boss entrance for the Sun Tower.

    4. Get the True Ending, by killing all prime bosses in a single run, which are unlocked by getting to NG+7. You also need to get all of The Traitors pre-battle dialogue by beating him 8 times. You enable the options to fight these bosses through the Threads of Fate at the red lady. You know you have it if the dragon shows up.

    If all characters have hearts over their heads in the ending area, you've got it. Also talk to the dragon here for the Had to Do It achievement if you haven't already.
    Showing all 5 comments. Leave a comment.
    GanluanHow do you talk to the dragon? I'm on NG +4 now and each time I beat Tubal, I talk to the dragon and it falls asleep. If I go back with a different character (without the world locked), he's still asleep and I can just pet, not talk.
    Posted by Ganluan on 11 May 22 at 20:40
    Mario RebornMy understanding is that the dragon friendship all has to be done on one thread. I've read that after you beat tubal you retire hero and go back to the dragon but that wasn't working for me. I found that after beating the traitor and before beating the king was the best time to retire. I went back to the dragon around 5 times after retiring and got his friendship pretty quickly.
    Posted by Mario Reborn on 19 May 22 at 02:49
    Like A Bob RossJust a note about how to get the first eggplant. You replay the tutorial area with NG+.
    Posted by Like A Bob Ross on 15 Jul 22 at 23:04
    FrankCastle492I can confirm that step 3 is not necessary, I only picked up one eggplant atop the sun tower.
    Posted by FrankCastle492 on 23 Jul 22 at 13:32
    CelephaiCan someone explain to me how to befriend the dragon? No matter what i do, he is always sleeping. I tried it with all bosses (except the last one) defeated, with only tubal dead and different combination in different treads from +1 to +7. What am i missing?
    Posted by Celephai on 29 Dec 23 at 08:55
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