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Character Ending 01 achievement in Star Ocean The Divine Force

Character Ending 01

Raymond and Albaird thereafter

Character Ending 010

How to unlock the Character Ending 01 achievement

  • Vaciks GhostVaciks Ghost
    Locked 12 Nov 2022 12 Nov 2022
    Character Endings are accomplished by raising a particular character's affinity through Private Actions. You'll have to do one playthrough as Laeticia and one playthrough as Raymond to see them all. There is currently no New Game+.

    If you hop around to each town/city during the chapters (and after any major chapter events) and talk to each of your characters, you should get most of them. You can also clean up a bunch (but not all) just before taking on the final boss.

    During the non-FMV Private Actions your main will often be asked a question with a multiple choice (timed) answer. Just pick the answer that fits best to the PA character (or use a guide) and you'll add to their affinity as well.

    Lastly, you can use Compound IC, level 10, with an Aquaberry and a Roly-Poly Bean to occasionally make 'Tears of Aphrodite', which you can feed to whatever character you want to see the ending for prior to taking down the final boss. I made 10 and fed them all to the one I wanted just to be sure.

    Note: As far as I am aware, you can only see ONE character's Character Ending per boss defeat. Simply make your Tears of Aphrodite, save just in front of the final boss area, use the ToA on whomever you want to see, and beat the boss. There are 3 scenes that play every time. Once you've seen these, you can skip and just get to the fourth which is the character ending. After that, either save your cleared game on a DIFFERENT SLOT or press 'B' to skip the game clear save and reload the one you made just before the final boss.
    Showing all 3 comments. Leave a comment.
    Virtual BoyThank you!
    Posted by Virtual Boy on 12 Nov 22 at 22:40
    Zeppelin041Nice to know the tears work, saves me some hassle getting to the end and figuring it all out then getting upset if I can’t go back and get someone’s affection up. That was the info I’ve been trying to google for the last hour!
    Posted by Zeppelin041 on 23 Nov 22 at 22:06
    MagnetixSQLI can confirm this works. but not all the time. I have gotten the same ending a few times when I was trying for Midas's ending. Updated since I was not using 10 Tears of Aphrodite and once I used 10 I got the ending I was trying for.
    Posted by MagnetixSQL on 24 Nov 22 at 05:19
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