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Purified achievement in Overwatch 2


Cleanse 5 negative effects with one use of Kiriko's Protection Suzu in Quick or Competitive Play.

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How to unlock the Purified achievement

  • Player576929676Player576929676
    20 Oct 2022 16 Nov 2022 16 Nov 2022
    Got this on Eichenwalde on defense at the second choke point.
    First, you and your teammates can have more than one negative effect at a time. In theory, if you managed to somehow have five negative effects on yourself at the same time, you could Suzu yourself and get it.
    Second, Mei’s ultimate can apply two negative effects at the same time to each person. The first is slow which slows you down, and the second is freezing which stops you. While you’re frozen you’re still technically being slowed even though the slow doesn’t really serve a purpose while you’re frozen in place.
    I wasn’t even really trying to get the achievement when it popped. What happened is the enemy Mei wasted her ult facing my team four against one. I killed her, two of my teammates got frozen, and one was just slowed down but not quite frozen. They were all safe from danger, but I dropped the Suzu just to get them out faster, and a few seconds later, it popped. I had to rewatch it a couple times to figure out what happened.
    So, try to watch out for a Mei ult, Suzu your frozen teammates, and don’t get caught in it yourself, or you might not be able to Suzu before you’re frozen, too.

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    BBCA22So do you have to wait until your teammates are frozen or can you throw it right away?
    Posted by BBCA22 on 07 Dec 22 at 02:45
    BurnsyI got it when two of my teammates got rein ulted. Was pretty confused because definitely did not feel like there were 5 negative effects present. Might be glitchy
    Posted by Burnsy on 19 Dec 22 at 00:22
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  • VidGamiacVidGamiac
    07 Oct 2022 08 Oct 2022 06 Nov 2022
    10 6 9
    A negative effect can be:
    Widowmaker's Poison from Venom Mine.
    Reinhardt's Stun from Earthshatter.
    Zenyatta's Orb of Discord.
    Mei's Freeze from Bilzzard.
    Ana's Sleep Dart.
    Ana's Poison from Biotic Riffle.
    Ana's Anti-Heal from Biotic Grenade.
    Sombra's Hack.
    Ashe's Burn Damage from Dynamite.
    Junker Queen's Wound from melee attack, Jagged Blade, Carnage or Rampage.

    Best scenario would be to keep an eye out for an ability that would affect your whole team, such as Ana's Biotic Grenade, Sombra's EMP (her Ultimate) or Junker Queen's Rampage (her Ultimate). If everyone gets hit with any one of these, try to cluster everyone on the team up and quickly use Kiriko's Protection Suzu, her RB ability on the whole team, including yourself.
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    Final Avenger XZarya's Graviton Surge does not count.
    Torbjorn's Molten Core does not count.
    Junker Queen's Rampage wounds do not count as 2 negative effects.
    Posted by Final Avenger X on 28 Oct 22 at 13:40
    DXLR8RJust got it in a match when I could just tell I would get it, since the enemy Ashe kept chucking and exploding her dynamite on us in the first match even though we were winning. She got four of us in the choke in the beginning of the second round, saw the team close in a bit and dropped the suzu just to see if it would unlock anyways, and the Achievement popped. Kept replaying the clip I made over and over to see why since our Brigitte was a bit ahead of us and didn't get hit. Then I realized our Hanzo was not only on fire but he was Discorded as well, so 4 of us on fire with one of us also Discorded got me the Achievement.
    Posted by DXLR8R on 04 Nov 22 at 01:11
    RadgetaI got it during a Reinhardt Ult. It looked like he got three or four people with the Ult, fire striked and swung. I got six negative effects cleansed.
    Posted by Radgeta on 06 Nov 22 at 16:26
  • DingiestParrotDingiestParrot
    13 Jun 2023 27 Jan 2023 27 Jan 2023
    This is difficult. 5 teammates, thankfully each can have more than one effect-here's a list

    Widowmaker's Venom mine (1 ally most probably, can affect a team-but most likely not)
    Reinhardt's Earthshatter (rein's will aim for the team, tip here is to either stand high ground, or beside a wall, Rein's will start moving forward only when they wanna shatter. Be ready to climb the wall to avoid it, then suzu team)
    Zenyatta's Discord (one ally at most)
    Mei's blizzard(2 effects, 1 is slow and 1 is freeze. Suzu an affected ally to cleanse two effects)
    Mei's endo-blast thing(it slows people. suzu the group she's attacking)
    Ana's sleep (one ally at most. they'll be laying in the middle of battle(or behind enemy lines) having a nap)
    Ana's Biotic Rifle (VERY FAST, probably won't see it. its when she shoots an enemy)
    Ana's Biotic Grenade (ally's health bar will turn purple, and they'll still ask for healing.)
    Sombra's Hack and EMP (allies will be circled by a purple icon of sombras, very useful if enemies have comboed EMP with something like shatter, easy cleanse)
    Ashe's Dynamite(allies will be burning, they lose health. cleanse to remove)
    Torb's... spu-ult(his ult sprays lava, it causes burning)
    Junker Queen's bleed(applied from melee attack, blade throw, or blade sweep [technically called carnage]. Causes.. well bleeding. Allies lose health)
    JQ's Rampage (her ult, causes anti heal-she will try to combo with bleed abilities -PERFECT SUZU TIME!)
    Zarya's grav? (this is me guessing, idk but it may work)

    Like it says, best counters are ults- Rein shatter, JQ ult into combo, Mei's blizzard, sombra EMP. Zarya grav is uncomfirmed, but is great as enemies will aim to combo IE aim a ana nade in there for example)

    This is probably easiest done on defense as you'll have a good idea where enemies come from and when. Stay away/behind/above from team and leap in like a superhero when they get ulted. Also make cool sounds into your mic when you do, makes it sound cooler (pls do its funny)
    On control maps (capture 2 points from 3), you may struggle. Many ults come once per game, and are often wasted. Best thing on these maps is to play until about 40% then camp at the back, keep healing-you want the team alive, but be ready to come in fast

    If you downvote, tell me why I will credit any info changes/improvements

    (Credit to VidGamiac for the debuff list, I added a few he missed and explained them)
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