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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II

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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II

MW2 - Nessy achievement in Call of Duty

MW2 - Nessy

Reach the barge without being seen in 'Wetwork'.

MW2 - Nessy0
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How to unlock the MW2 - Nessy achievement

  • CheetahzooieCheetahzooie
    20 Oct 2022 20 Oct 2022 20 Oct 2022
    For those who prefer visual guides here's my quick video with commentary showing you how to reach the barge in the 'Wetwork' level without being seen.

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    throwbackjVery good guide! Also reload checkpoints do work and if you can’t one shot someone (like me lol) then throwing knives will be fine, just make sure to find a good angle!
    Posted by throwbackj on 25 Nov 22 at 09:16
    MustangNightsI can also confirm that if the patrol boat gets stuck next to a pier with a guard, take out the guard from afar with 1 shot and the boaters may shout "he's swimming over there" but never actually see you and boat does not move, you can still finish as stealth as I just did. If you get the red diamond when killing the enemy on pier or the boaters fire at you then you will need last checkpoint and hopefully the boat won't be stuck if you can't shoot from afar. 🤣
    Posted by MustangNights on 03 Jan 23 at 21:19
    Shadowblade1438Good Note -the guards can become alerted but as long as they don't *see* you, the achievement is valid. Notably, every time Price said "They see you!", I reloaded the checkpoint. The guards were patrolling and swearing at me pretty much the whole time, but they never actually shot at me. I even had red diamonds on the compass and I still got the achievement when I killed the last guard on the dock.
    Posted by Shadowblade1438 on 29 Mar 23 at 08:19
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  • LordacrisLordacris
    20 Oct 2022 20 Oct 2022 20 Oct 2022
    21 1 0
    On Mission 04: Wetwork - eliminate all hostiles without being detected. You can retrieve a silenced pistol from the first hostile you meet on the pier. This gives you the ability to kill under the waterline and remain undetected. Try your best to avoid line of sight and ensure enemies aren't facing each other when killed. You can also abuse the checkpoint system to keep reloading if you get detected. Just keep trying to take down each group without being seen. As for the boats - I left those till last and just killed the passengers as quick as possible before being seen. The best indication of being spotted is a red diamond on the compass, shouting or being shot at (obviously).

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