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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II

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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II

MW2 - Night Fight achievement in Call of Duty

MW2 - Night Fight

Earn three Stars in 'Low Profile'.

MW2 - Night Fight+1.0
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How to unlock the MW2 - Night Fight achievement

  • LordacrisLordacris
    27 Oct 2022 27 Oct 2022 27 Oct 2022
    Done on Online Co-Op Mission: Low Profile. You'll need a friend to help you with this as it can't be done solo (unless they disconnect) nor via split screen. The objective here is to collect all three balls of nuclear material and get extracted in under 16 minutes for 3 stars. Follow my video guide and you should complete this in about 7 minutes. If you both get killed hit "Retry" to return to a previous checkpoint however this doesn't reset the clock, you'll still be accruing time!

    Objective A - Armoury:
    I found landing on the highest point of the roof worked best. From here killing the 3 enemies on the roof. Head inside, disable the laser mines, clear hostiles and collect the first nuclear ball. Once collected we get a checkpoint. Head back up to the roof and parachute off towards the Barracks.

    Objective B - Barracks:
    Climb up the ladder on the back of the building to gain access to the skylight. Directly under the skylight we'll find an enemy, shoot him and a few others before dropping down through the skylight to collect the second nuclear ball. Here another checkpoint will kick in - do your best to exit the building from the ground floor and head west towards the Comms Centre.

    Objective C - Comms Centre:
    The material can spawn in one of two buildings. The small building by the river, clear the building and check the warhead on the top floor. If not in here, head over to the larger comms building next-door. There are two possible spawn locations in here, on the ground or top floor. Once you've grabbed the material another checkpoint will trigger. Now we need to run to the exfil site to the north without dying. keep low and use the dirt mounts as cover until the helicopter arrives - then jump in the back!

    Do your best not to both die, I suggest taking the medic class, so you can revive each other with the syringe launcher/pistol. If you both die you'll go back to the last checkpoint/collected material, you'll now need to haul ass to catch up on lost time.

    I finished the mission with a random guy (no comms) in about 7 minutes in the video below:

    Guide not helping? View 2 more guides for this achievement.

    Showing most recent comments. View all comments.
    heyitsoliviaxi’m trying to do all the co-op achievements add me on xbox if you’re down to do them with me!
    Posted by heyitsoliviax on 16 Sep at 05:18
    thedknemexisHello everyone I need a companion to take all the coop objectives of mw2, my id is thedknemesis and I am looking for some Italian to take the lenses with microphone in order to organize and talk to each other. thx
    Posted by thedknemexis on 17 Sep at 11:36
    Posted by OBlockMafia on 22 Sep at 02:03
  • Have you got any tips or tricks to unlock this achievement?
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  • SSmasterONESSmasterONE
    27 Oct 2022 27 Oct 2022 27 Oct 2022
    To achieve three stars in this mission you have to finish it in less than 16 minutes. I have found the easiest way is to land at b on the roof and search the house for the plutonium there are about six different spots where it could be. Use lb to open your Geiger counter and when it goes above 9 you are closer to the objective. Then after that we rushed to "a" killing the guards to the right of the bridge and then going inside a you need to disarm traps inside and look for the plutonium it's usually on the second level. Be careful there is a trap at the top of the stairs I'm not really sure how to disarm it so just have your teammate trigger it and then revive them. Then you go down to c (there is usually a heavy armored guy somewhere on the way to this objective), and there are about three different buildings where the plutonium can be. After that rush to the exfil which is in the middle of the map and watch out for enemies that spawn near you and just keep shooting enemies that spawn out of the cars and as soon as the helicopter comes jump in and as long as you finish in under 16 minutes you should have the achievement. I was able to comfortably do this in about 10 to 12 minutes.
  • Furr E NutsFurr E Nuts
    Locked 16 Jan 2023 16 Jan 2023
    Since older gaming guides see to have been patched, I recommend that anyone interested in trying to get this please watch and review this guide by GlobalGaming. There guides have updated information regarding recent patch and new gaming paths to follow to get this:

    Seems that B point is the most problematic if the device wont appear on top or 2nd floor when you get there, and if it's on the bottom floor, would be near impossible to reach it with out setting of alarms due to amount of enemies that are there.

    Still seem to be the best method for this in Co-Op.

    All Kudos to GlobalGaming and there content.
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