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Good Times achievement in Guitar Hero: Van Halen

Good Times

Perform on every instrument with a member of Van Halen in Quickplay or Career.

Good Times0

How to unlock the Good Times achievement

  • ASic777ASic777
    15 Oct 2009 15 Oct 2009 31 Oct 2009
    "Good Times"

    "You performed on every instrument with a member of Van Halen"

    Playing on Van Halen songs does not count towards the achievement.
    You do not need to play with the proper member of Van Halen for a given instrument.

    Edit for clarity: You simply need to play a guest song on every instrument with a Van Halen character. It can be any Van Halen member for any instrument, or even the same Van Halen member on all instruments.
    Showing most recent comments. View all comments.
    IndianAce333so can you use one van halen member for each of the 4 instruments...or does it have to be 4 different van halen members
    Posted by IndianAce333 on 31 Oct 09 at 20:51
    ASic777Any Van Halen member can be used for any instrument. If you unlock Wolfgang first, you can use him on a guest song for bass, guitar, vocals, and drums and get the achievement.
    Posted by ASic777 on 31 Oct 09 at 20:53
    silencer018Also, Wolfgang will probably be the person you will have missed if you don't unlock this achievement, being there is no achievement for playing a song with him.
    Posted by silencer018 on 22 Nov 09 at 10:41
    ASic777That's not relevant to this achievement, silencer018. I unlocked this achievement before unlocking Dave or Alex. As I said, you only need to play on each instrument with a Van Halen member. If you unlock Eddie first, you can then use him to play a guest song on guitar, bass, drums, and vocals and get the achievement.
    Posted by ASic777 on 24 Nov 09 at 18:10
    SashamorningSomething's wrong here.

    I just got the achievement, playing Panama with Wolfgang on drums. I had gone through the intro with the auto-kick on before I realized you don't get stars for that. I turned it off, played through Panama so I could get into where I could pick a rocker... and it unlocked right after the first song. I hadn't been able to get to the point where I could select a non-VH song in the drum career.

    So clearly the idea about playing only non-VH songs is wrong. I don't know if you have to play all 4 instruments with the same person (I played all 4 with Wolfgang) or if you can mix-and-match.
    Posted by Sashamorning on 25 Mar 10 at 21:37
    SashamorningI should also note that even though I chose Wolfgang, Alex was on drums during the actual show, and Wolfgang was back on bass.
    Posted by Sashamorning on 25 Mar 10 at 21:44
    ASic777Hm... it could just be a matter of your selected character having to be one of the VH guys. The only reason I said to use non-VH songs is that simply playing a VH song on each instrument (before unlocking any of them) does not unlock the achievement.
    Posted by ASic777 on 09 Apr 10 at 02:55
    SteSteSte91So this is in Career? or Quickplay?
    Posted by SteSteSte91 on 23 Apr 10 at 19:55
    halohoggTo exhaustively clarify, since I thought I had missed something, there IS NOT a specific Guest song achievement to be played with the Wolfgang character, as there are for Alex, Dave, and Eddie. Therefore, this achievement serves as the mop up for having played all characters on a song, ideally having also included Wolfgang on Bass at least once.
    Posted by halohogg on 30 Aug 15 at 18:37
    halohoggTo exhaustively clarify, since I thought I had missed something, there IS NOT a specific Guest song achievement to be played with the Wolfgang character, as there are for Alex, Dave, and Eddie. Therefore, this achievement serves as the mop up for having played all characters on a song, ideally having also included Wolfgang on Bass at least once. BTW you need to unlock the Wolfgang character for the other achievement.
    Posted by halohogg on 30 Aug 15 at 18:39
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