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Big Encounter achievement in Sonic Frontiers

Big Encounter

Completed the fishing tutorial.

Big Encounter0

How to unlock the Big Encounter achievement

  • FarmYardGaming1FarmYardGaming1
    11 Dec 2022 11 Dec 2022 11 Dec 2022
    To do this, you'll need to find a purple fishing portal in the open zone and enter it. Once you're there, you'll immediately meet Big the Cat and be taught how to fish.

    When you throw the rod, you'll press cn_A when you get a bite.
    A red circle appears around it, and all you need to do is press cn_A (or cn_X) at the right time, so that the white circle lands in it.

    It's easier to see what's going on:

    The controls are different, but the principle remains exactly the same: press at the right time.
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