Graze Counter GM

Graze Counter GM

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Grand Master achievement in Graze Counter GM

Grand Master

Defeat the extra stage boss.

Grand Master0

How to unlock the Grand Master achievement

  • NeoStrayCatNeoStrayCat
    18 Jan 2023 21 Jan 2023 06 Feb 2023
    As soon as you clear the game once. The Extra Stage will become available in the "Extra Mode" menu.

    Pick your best character/ship along with game mode -> Skill Card -> Difficulty.

    Setting it on Novice is suggested. Note that regardless of the difficulty selected, the game will automatically have its rank level to 255. Its a short stage that will have various enemies shooting plently of bullets that you can counter back.

    The Extra Stage boss is "Genocide Angel". Basically a powered up version of Bullet Angel with similar attack patterns as its original, but sparsed with more attacks and its faster. Like the original, it has a temporary barrier that activates if you initiate break mode, but it'll go away after a couple seconds. Same strategies apply to Bullet Angel from the normal game and Mission Mode. But with more concentrated attack fire to evade and counter with.
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