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Fantastic Fader achievement in DJ Hero

Fantastic Fader

Successfully perform all crossfades and crossfade spikes in any mix on hard difficulty or above.

Fantastic Fader0
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How to unlock the Fantastic Fader achievement

  • Cheese TouchCheese Touch
    28 Oct 2009 28 Oct 2009
    13 0 1
    The first song of the first set is the easiest for this. There are no spikes and the crossfades are spaced pretty far apart so they are easy to anticipate.

    I find that I have a hard time with the crossfades since it's hard to tell where the middle of the slider is. I've noticed that you barely have to move it away from L/R for the game to register "middle" though. So don't worry about trying to find the true middle of the slider, just bump it enough so that the game moves the track. That way you won't move it too far and have it flip to the other side, wrecking your streak. I think I'll eventually get the muscle memory down to do it properly, but in the short term this seems to work pretty well.
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    GrouxJust as a side note, if you use Euphoria while trying for this achievement it may not work. So your best bet is just to go for Fantastic Fader, Superstar DJ, Freestyle DJ and Tap King all at the same time on the very first track. It is slow and not hard at all, took me 3 shots to unlock them all, just remember NOT to use Euphoria.
    Posted by Groux on 30 Oct 09 at 00:40
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