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REEEWIINNNNDD!!! achievement in DJ Hero


Perform 4 rewinds without missing any icons in any mix on any difficulty.

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How to unlock the REEEWIINNNNDD!!! achievement

  • Vermin360Vermin360
    03 Nov 2009 03 Nov 2009
    11 0 5
    Pick a mix that you're very comfortable with and can run up long note streaks, since you need a good 50 in a row to earn a rewind. Once you earn a rewind, use it in an area with few notes, and preferably no recent fader moves. Spin the platter 360 degrees and hit all the notes while the multiplier is doubled.

    Once you do this four times (they don't need to be all in a row), you will earn the Achievement. This can be done on any difficulty.

    Remember, if you activate Euphoria before you do a rewind, you won't have to worry so much about the fader position when it's done rewinding because Euphoria will handle the fader moves for you automatically.
    Showing all 5 comments. Leave a comment.
    Zee psoI got this on groundhog on expert. lol
    I 5 started it too :)
    I missed all the final section notes after the repeating red notes too. Awesome song though.
    Posted by Zee pso on 29 Dec 09 at 00:38
    MUFC9899this achievement wont unlock for me for some reason, i hit all the notes once it has stopped rewinding but the achievement still aint unlocked, i must have done this about 50 times now
    Posted by MUFC9899 on 14 Jan 10 at 14:35
    LunchTheftSo, all 4 rewinds must be in a single play of one mix, correct?
    Posted by LunchTheft on 25 Jan 10 at 09:02
    Posted by Vermin360 on 25 Jan 10 at 09:24
    Wezol TSA"this achievement wont unlock for me for some reason, i hit all the notes once it has stopped rewinding but the achievement still aint unlocked, i must have done this about 50 times now"

    I got the achievement after I finished the mix so try and finish a mix and if that does not work then play the whole set and see if that does it?
    Posted by Wezol TSA on 04 Feb 11 at 21:55
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