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Get A Little Blood on the Tires achievement in Borderlands

Get A Little Blood on the Tires

Kill 25 enemies by ramming them with any vehicle

Get A Little Blood on the Tires0
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How to unlock the Get A Little Blood on the Tires achievement

  • EvansEvans
    21 Oct 2009 22 Oct 2009
    This achievement was glitched for me. I started a Mordecai run, and this achievement would NOT unlock. I ran over easily 100 enemies before I gave up on it.

    If this glitch happens to you, your only chance is to create another character. Level that character up to 10 or so. Kill Bone Head, get the car system fixed just outside of Fyrestone, and then search around for any enemy that needs to stay off the road.

    You don't need much speed to kill an enemy with the runners, so don't bother using the boost in the process.

    Guide not helping? View 2 more guides for this achievement.

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    SC0TTYTOOHOTTYThis achievement glitched on me too but I unlocked it fairly easily by accident.

    I had been playing co-op the whole time as a Beserker and didn't get the achievement. When I decided to do a single player game I accidently started a new character, I picked the Beserker and after I got off the bus I quit to the main menu and deleted the new character I had just created. I then loaded up my regular character and as the game was loading the achievement popped up.

    Saved me a little bit of hassel anyways!
    Posted by SC0TTYTOOHOTTY on 12 Dec 09 at 14:06
    Quarantane@ Scotty- I don't have the game, but that sounds like a hassle to me...maybe it's just me though
    Posted by Quarantane on 13 Jan 10 at 03:38
    TheSWFCStarted the quest and just ran over-into 30 enemies, cheevo popped.
    Posted by TheSWFC on 11 Jul 17 at 21:23
  • Have you got any tips or tricks to unlock this achievement?
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    27 Oct 2009 28 Oct 2009
    38 0 0
    You will be able to attempt this achievement after you have killed !"Bone Head" in the "Bone Head's Theft" quest. Once you have repaired the Catch-A-Ride you can spawn a vehicles. Simply use this vehicle to start running over enemies. Targeting low level bandits will speed this process up as well will running down the respawning Skags in the area. Once you have mowed down 25 the achievement will pop up.
  • Chris8875Chris8875
    26 Oct 2009 27 Oct 2009
    34 0 0
    You'll be able to get your first vehicle just before or after killing Bone Head. I was around a Level 10 or 11 player.

    Once you are able to spawn a car hop in and chase this achievement while learning to drive and handle the vehicle. The best targets at this time are the low level and constantly respawning skags around the area ... much satisfaction can be derived from crushing skags which, when you were a lower level, caused some distress.

    Low level bandits are a good target as well.No real speed is needed to crush these targets.

    Practice using your rocket launcher and you will also be able to quickly kill the 25 enemies needed for the "exploding" achievement as well.
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