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Careful, He Bites achievement in Borderlands

Careful, He Bites

Kill 15 enemies with the Hunter's action skill

Careful, He Bites0
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This achievement may unlock after the requirements are met or not at all.

How to unlock the Careful, He Bites achievement

  • EvilNinjaZombieEvilNinjaZombie
    21 Oct 2009 22 Oct 2009 13 Nov 2009
    You have to be the sniper to get this achievement.

    When you press LB, he will throw Bloodwing (a little angry bird) to attack.I was about level 10 when I got this.

    All you got to do is throw him at the Skag pups at the beginning of the game 15 times and it should pop up.

    Edit: I've been told that this achievement is bugged.You may have to start a new character to get it. Credit to Sly SGM for the heads up on that.

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    auvryndrarThis achievement isn't bugged any more. As well, if you don't want to wait, you can quit and re-enter to avoid the minute wait for the ability cooldown as you come back in with your ability refreshed.
    Posted by auvryndrar on 24 Oct 11 at 19:41
    NoobgamerValboit doesnt seem to be bugged.
    you get it at level 5 not 10.
    i pointed at the skag made sure i could see the name and healtbar and pressed lb was far enough away for the others not to see me, so just waited for it to cool down. and after 15 i got it
    Posted by NoobgamerValbo on 28 Oct 13 at 21:17
    MSD l T0XICfor anyone doing this, make sure your game saves or the kills wont count when you exit and reload
    or just go to skag gully and wait the 28 seconds on the first two groups of skags
    Posted by MSD l T0XIC on 18 Aug at 12:56
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  • KaorenKaoren
    19 Nov 2009 19 Nov 2009 23 Nov 2009
    54 0 1
    If this achievement doesn't unlock, do not start a new character. I've done it 5 or 6 times and still it didn't unlock.

    Instead, join an online game hosted by a hunter who has already unlocked this achievement. This doesn't work if you're invited by a friend, you must find someone by yourself who has created an online game. Check their gamercard using Y in the lobby, you'll see the host's class and wether he has the achievement or not.

    Then kill an enemy with Sanguine. Enjoy your achievement.

    While it seems very weird, this technique worked for me, and many more people.
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    WicelowWorked for me. Thanks a lot !!
    Posted by Wicelow on 07 Dec 09 at 17:45
  • totem72totem72
    27 Nov 2010 12 Dec 2010
    64 14 15
    Dans la version française du jeu, le succès est bloqué, pour y remédier, changez dans les paramètres de la console, la langue, mettez la en anglais et ensuite tuez vos 15 ennemis, après avoir obtenu le succès, remettez votre console en Français.
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    FluxB0xJe viens de tester sur ma Series X et aucun succès ne se débloque. Sur quel console avez-vous essayé ?

    Je viens de refaire un autre essaie en utilisant English UK et maintenant le succès est débloqué !!
    Posted by FluxB0x on 14 Sep 21 at 19:40
    T0per HarleyPareil ! Merci gros !!!
    Posted by T0per Harley on 16 Feb 23 at 21:01
    BlackTiboCa marche impecc :) Merci !
    Posted by BlackTibo on 27 Jun 23 at 17:47
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