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Wanted: Krom achievement in Borderlands

Wanted: Krom

Wanted: Krom0

How to unlock the Wanted: Krom achievement

  • SkillfulMmdSkillfulMmd
    24 Oct 2009 24 Oct 2009
    57 0 2
    Krom is the third main boss in the game, he is located in Kroms canyon in the rust commons area. You will have to walk a long a valley with a lot of enenmies dotted around. The main bad guys to look out for are the Badass psychos and the Badass brutes which only seem to make an apperance further in the valley. Once you get near Krom you will see a small introduction cutscene of him shooting someone with his side arm. You will almost instally come under fire from his turret that has rockets and a 50 cal machine gun attached. You should stick to the rocks in the valley to kill the underlings and stay sheltered from his rockets.

    Once you get a little higher there will be lots more enemies out to get you. Just keep using cover and take out the guys one-by-one until you get up to him then its just a matter of hammering him in. But I found the quickest way to do it was to use a rocket launcher and shoot the turret from a distance. This took me about 5-6 rockets and he was dead.

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    XeromaneI made quick work of him by using a sniper rifle I had that did decent damage but had the corrosive element on it. I could take him out long range and then deal with his guards afterwards.
    Posted by Xeromane on 22 Dec 09 at 18:36
    ravens2006Really easy battle. I used the Reaver's Edge Sniper rifle, took him down with one clip from the edge of the valley.
    Posted by ravens2006 on 19 Jan 10 at 05:38
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  • Shinerbock88Shinerbock88
    30 Oct 2009 30 Oct 2009
    43 0 0
    As others have stated, rocket launcher is the way to go here. An el-cheapo rocket launcher will work fine, so don't spend all your earnings on buying a rocket launcher. Try to make sure it has a scope as this will make things much easier. I used a launcher with incendiary element as it puts a damage over time (dot) on anyone in the Krom's bunker. But, as stated earlier, you don't need a good launcher for this part so you don't need any elemental attributes.

    Krom is a good distance away so you've got to get closer. The right path provides more cover for you to use as you kill random bandits and psychos on your way to Krom. Do not move up the ramps until you've cleared the local bandit spawns. Then move up to the next platform and repeat - kill all bandits, then move on up.

    By now you should have a Transfusion Grenade Mod, so use that if you lose shields. Don't wait to take damage before popping a grenade. Corrosive Rain Grenade Mod works well, but any grenade mod will be fine to help clear your path.

    One thing you want to do is shoot all elemental barrels regardless if any bandits are near it. This prevents Krom's rocket launcher/machine gun doesn't hit them with you near them.

    Once you've cleared all bandits, stop on the landing right before the second to the last ramp (the last ramp being the ramp that leads directly to Krom's bunker). If you stop here and move up the ramp just enough to aquire Krom as a target, his rockets from his rocket launcher cannot hit you because he fires 3 rockets that spin thus making him need a larger field of fire. You've just cut his field of fire by doing this. His machine gun will hit you, but that's a very minor attack. Just move up that second to last ramp and pop him with your rocket launcher, back down the ramp to reload and repeat to get your ezmode achievement.
  • K0mradeK0mrade
    26 Oct 2009 26 Oct 2009 02 Nov 2009
    41 0 0
    When you head into Krom's Canyon to fight Krom make sure you have a good rocket launcher with you, one with a scope. The hardest part of the fight is getting in firing range. You will have to fight up hill through a shack village while being attacked by bandit and psycho enemies. Make sure to duck behind cover as you move up the ramps as Krom will be firing at you from his turret. Once you've gotten close enough to where you can get off a few clean shots simply fire rockets into the turret. You'll need to be decently close as the turret is in cover. Once the turret explodes Krom will die. Kill off the remaining enemies and go claim your loot at the top of the village.
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