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Jack of All Trades achievement in Band Hero

Jack of All Trades

Complete at least one challenge for every instrument at Gold level or better

Jack of All Trades0

How to unlock the Jack of All Trades achievement

  • minus15Tminus15T
    13 Mar 2011 13 Mar 2011
    17 0 2
    This is for the 4 instruments, Band challenges are not needed.

    The challenge rewards are Gold, Platinum, Diamond, so Gold is actually pretty easy to get, alot of them can be obtained on easy.

    The only one I had issue with was vocals, because I am terrible at them, so I used the Taylor Swift song 'Love Story' as all that is required for gold, is to obtain star power.

    So you don't need to be able to chain, or get good scores, you just need to be able to hit 3-4 phases
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    jrath05Agree with the above comment; only thing tricky for most people is the vocals gold.

    I used this video:

    I eventually synced it up well enough to get 3 star power phrases hit (should only require 3). Also the second star power phrase should be easily gotten by holding mic up to a fan, leaving only 2 phrases required from the video. (Difficulty set to Easy of course.)
    Posted by jrath05 on 05 Jul 12 at 04:02
    Tuxie DuckI today learned that this unlocks for everyone in the current game if the player's combined challenges have all 4.
    Posted by Tuxie Duck on 09 May 15 at 21:08
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