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75 (8%)

Student Housing Project achievement in Cities: Skylines - Remastered

Student Housing Project

Build 10 Dormitories on campuses.

Student Housing Project0

How to unlock the Student Housing Project achievement

  • FifthmusketeerFifthmusketeer
    23 Feb 2023 23 Feb 2023 23 Feb 2023
    This is an easy achievement to unlock and you likely do not need a guide but in case you do here you go:
    (1) Zone a Campus Area using the CAMPUS option on your tool bar.
    (2) Go to your preferred type of campus (or the Trade one if you have only unlocked one type) and place the Administration Building for the type of University that you want (or the Trade campus if you have not unlocked the other options). This will unlock the first tier of buildings for your campus.
    (3) Select the DORMITORY from the building options, place down and build. You will need $10,000 to build a single dormitory ($100,000 for 10 of them).
    (4) Simply place 9 more DORMITORIES (10 total) and the achievement will unlock.
    (5) You do not have to do this on just one campus - you can do it across multiple campuses - but you can do it on a single campus if you want -- you just have to make sure you have zoned enough CAMPUS area to place down 10 in one zone. I happened to do it on ONE CAMPUS and it unlocked.

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