Some crazy dudes out there might be able to this in other ship and with type I and II ships but I highly recommend waiting until you can afford an extra tier III or III+ ship for this, specficily the Vanguard III or Vanguard III+.
This ship will make it infinitely easier. I did most races on the first or second run with this ship. There was only one that took me about 20 tries, because its SUPER short and you could not make single a mistake, otherwise, the rest of the races were pretty easy in the Vanguard, whereas I could not even land bronze in a Teir IV Sentinal despite that being a fairly fast and nimble ship.
If you are still REALLY struggling you can always go for the Vanguard IV but that is super costly and is only going to give you like 8% extra speed and handling for nearly 3x the cost.
Racing tracks:
Ghost Fleet
Alcyone Station
Charybdis Bowl
Ayres Relay Station
Prescott Starbase
Zharkov Border Control
Letho Starport
Alpha Draco Claim I
Gas Field
Khait Nebula
Okrot Trading Station