The idea for this Achievement is to tether onto an object at a fair distance of about
2KM and essentially orbit around the target while you thrust (strafe), gradually the Tether will pull you closer to where it has latched on to.
I'd recommend doing this at Prescott Starbase, The Concession, Union. The tall spire which has 'BRI' branded on it's peak. this building is slightly taller than the other two and will be a little easier so you potentially avoid colliding with the other two taller buildings.
Tether onto the spire from about 2KM away, thrust then hold
just so your ship goes out of camera visibility, then control
so that you can focus the camera & tether on the spire. This trick will help you hold for as long as possible without it breaking.
It's a little fiddly but some trial and error will get you there.