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Han Slowlo achievement in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

Han Slowlo

Defeat 50 enemies under the effect of Slow

Han Slowlo0

How to unlock the Han Slowlo achievement

  • MasChooseMasChoose
    01 May 2023 01 May 2023
    15 1 0
    You can get this trophy naturally, but you also can speed it up by doing Force Tier challenge in Koboh Shattered Moon. The challenge is you need to defeat 150 droids, they are one hit kill in Jedi Master difficulty. Because they are a lot, your super bar will filled up pretty quick.

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  • LordacrisLordacris
    28 Apr 2023 28 Apr 2023 28 Apr 2023
    You'll unlock the slow time ability quite early on during mission one in Coruscant, when you miss a jump and fall into a group of Stormtroopers. Push cn_LS + cn_RS to enable the slow time ability and kill as many enemies as you can during each use. To recharge the ability you'll need to defeat enemies. On story mode slow time recharges after every 3 kills.

    Under the Force (Jedi Concentration) skill tree you can unlock Greater Hold and Extended Hold to increase the length of time each slow lasts for. Allowing you to kill more enemies within each use.

    Defeat a total of 50 enemies over the course of the game while under the slow time effect and the achievement will pop. I found that you can also farm the same group over and over again, if you reset/meditate nearby.
    Showing all 3 comments.
    MIKE1989TWI would like to also add that later in the game you get the dark side of the force that replaces slow, it still applies to the achievement when you use it. To avoid confusion, you can use it at anytime providing the radius captures the enemies.
    Posted by MIKE1989TW on 05 May 23 at 18:47
    The White HareDo the enemies need to be a one hit kill for this to register? I’ve been using slow when it is available but am still only at 8% complete. Can’t find any answers elsewhere online. Thanks.
    Posted by The White Hare on 31 May 23 at 10:56
    The White HareHi all,
    Just to add to this I did eventually unlock this and it seems that you do have do a one hit kill once slow motion has been activated.
    Posted by The White Hare on 01 Jun 23 at 22:43
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