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King of the World achievement in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

King of the World

Reach the highest point of Harvest Ridge

King of the World0

How to unlock the King of the World achievement

  • ShummellShummell
    29 Apr 2023 29 Apr 2023
    130 7 3
    Harvest Ridge is located on Koboh not far the Cantina. On the map you will see a meditation point in Harvest Ridge high up and that is where we need to get to to unlock this achievement.

    To get there though you actually need to go down into the moldy depths through a gate and work your way through solving a couple puzzles before you eventually reach the tower outside to grapple onto.

    My video guide shows the location to this initial gate, the path up, and the puzzles you need to solve a long the way. Hope it helps.

    Guide not helping? View 2 more guides for this achievement.

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    Bootybandit1dash is not needed. Just made the jump without dash
    Posted by Bootybandit1#751 on 01 May 23 at 16:05
    ShummellThanks for clarifying.
    Posted by Shummell on 01 May 23 at 18:50
    TheMovieMiguelI didn't need the second creature, I was able to jump on the tanks on the far wall (start on the left moving across the back wall) then double jump and dash to where the holder was to raise the lift.
    Posted by TheMovieMiguel on 08 May 23 at 01:47
  • Have you got any tips or tricks to unlock this achievement?
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  • Zasta 360GameTVZasta 360GameTV
    11 May 2023 11 May 2023
    There is a faster and easier way from the other side without having to do the annoying animal / elevator puzzle. It is a little trick / glitch and you need the dash ability. Fast travel to Fort Kah'lin Mediation point, from there you can already see the Tower (from the other side).

    Now go up to the right, jump on the ledge and from there jump and dash into the reach of the grappling hook on the tower and that's it, climb the tower and you have the achievement without annoying puzzle

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    Pippoman586September 2024 still works
    Posted by Pippoman586 on 04 Sep 24 at 14:58
    NewbieKenobiOctober 4th 2024 still works.
    Posted by NewbieKenobi on 04 Oct 24 at 20:23
    Epsilon ThetaYou can also get to the upper level of the fort once you can use the balloons to jump up. From there circle around to the right side of the tower and use double jump with dash to reach the ledge you would need to jump up to with the Nekkos if you were doing this regularly.
    Posted by Epsilon Theta on 27 Dec 24 at 22:21
  • Darth TigoreDarth Tigore
    29 Apr 2023 29 Apr 2023
    28 3 3
    After unlocking the ability to ride mounts, ride one to Harvest Ridge. Then, jump with the mount and double jump to reach one of the lower ledges near the large barn. Once you reach the top, clear out a small band of enemies and grab one of the 3 mounts near the barn.

    Ride the mount to the front of the barn and jump with it to reach 2 wall running segments. After wall running, use Force Pull (cn_LT) to open a hole in the side of the barn, giving you access to the interior.

    Next, use Force Pull to grab the pully that opens the barn door. While holding the door open, call you mount (cn_RB) into the barn and press cn_B to release the pully. Use the mount to reach the upper ledge next to the pully system and anchor the pully.

    Now that the door is open, run back outside and grab a 2nd mount, using it to reach the upper platform again. Release the door anchor which lowers a platform by the door. Next, take one of the mounts and park in on top of the moving platform. Then, use the other mount to reach the corner platform and re-anchor the pully system.

    Finally, scale the platform near the door and use the mount to reach the first ledge outside the upper portion of the barn. Then, jump up to the next ledge (remember to cut the shortcut rope) and scale the silo to unlock the achievement.

    Showing all 3 comments.
    octorok74Thank you for the text guide as well, super useful.
    Posted by octorok74 on 30 Apr 23 at 17:05
    Oo Sullivan oOGreat solution, thank you!
    Posted by Oo Sullivan oO on 13 Jun 24 at 23:22
    Burke By NatureBy far the best solution, thanks!!
    Posted by Burke By Nature on 04 Sep 24 at 20:26
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