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Now, This Isn't Podracing achievement in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

Now, This Isn't Podracing

Travel 500m of distance while riding creatures

Now, This Isn't Podracing0

How to unlock the Now, This Isn't Podracing achievement

  • Eva2nEva2n
    30 Apr 2023 30 Apr 2023
    You can get it by just progressing through the story but for a fast way to get it when you get the mission Research Tanalorr the second location where you research on Koboh and you get the bird you fly up the updrifts in the lava area around in circles and achievement will pop after about 5 mins or less.
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    OtisGames24For some reason, the achievement isnt unlocking for me, im stuck at 98% but im sure i have done much more than I need
    Posted by OtisGames24 on 27 Sep 24 at 11:35
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