44 0 12Actions This can be done early in the Game, If you see a Metal rod where Cal swings Back and forth just stay for a minute on the rod after the minute is over jump from the rod and the Achievement is yours.Guide not helping? View 4 more guides for this achievement.Showing most recent comments. View all comments. Ropes also work.Posted by Sashamorning on 04 May 24 at 00:02 Oh I’m so dumb I thought this was cumulative not 60 secs in 1 go lolPosted by rhmdy on 11 May 24 at 22:41 You can get this very early in the game (as your first achievement) by hanging from the first balance beam you come acrossThere were other things to hang from earlier but they didn't seem to award progress. Achievement unlocks once you get back on top of the balance beam and not whilst hangingHere is a very quick video showing the first balance beam in game: https://youtu.be/ck3LWaze6jsPosted by VOODOO85 on 07 Jul 24 at 13:39 Leave a comment
9 2 0Actions Easy way to get this done is using a zip line and hitting the Y button on xbox(triangle on playstation) to flip directions. Just keep flipping directions back & forth for a whole minute and once you land your achievement should unlock...
8 2 0Actions Find a pole or pipe you can hang from, where your feet are dangling in the air. Hang on there for 60-90 seconds, jump off and the achievement should pop.You can do this in the very first tutorial mission on Coruscant, as seen in the video below: