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Can You Pet the Bogling? achievement in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

Can You Pet the Bogling?

You can pet the bogling

Can You Pet the Bogling?0

How to unlock the Can You Pet the Bogling? achievement

  • ShummellShummell
    28 Apr 2023 28 Apr 2023
    16 1 4
    In the Koboh world you will progress the main storyline and end up in the cantina. Very shortly after exiting the cantina and working you're way through the Smugglers Tunnels you will see a bogling jumping around. It will run into a green laser field and you can pet it after unlocking the achievement.

    There was another bogling in this same world I interacted with but the achievement didn't unlock with that one so not sure if it has to be this specific one.

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    ShummellI have come across several more boglings throughout the game and there seems to always be some in & around the stables near the cantina. Not sure if they will count towards achievement though as I already have it unlocked.
    Posted by Shummell on 30 Apr 23 at 15:46
    BENT FRUITI petted the one I came across in the padock at the stables and can confirm it unlocked the achievement.
    Posted by BENT FRUIT on 06 May 23 at 09:46
    AcaelusTYeah. Definitely not specific to cantina one.... The solution should be corrected in my opinion
    Posted by AcaelusT on 23 Aug 24 at 03:03
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  • Lordwinter666Lordwinter666
    Locked 24 Jun 2023
    In this guide we will show you how to pet the Boglings in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor to win the “Can You Pet the Bogling?” Achievement/Trophy.

    During your adventure in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor you will encounter a series of cute creatures, which are called Boglings.

    To win the “Can You Pet the Bogling?” Achievement/Trophy you will need to pet one of them. The earliest you can earn the Achievement/Trophy is in the Smuggler's Tunnels area, which is when you are in the basement of Greez's canteen on planet Koboh. Just approach the animal and press the right analog stick to pet it.

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