Healing lost health and overhealing will count towards the achievement! This will be quick to get, but I will explain Witchdoctor's abilities and tips!Witchdoctor healing abilities -The Witchdoctor has 3 healing abilities. The first one is “Feed” which is a short range single target instant heal. Get close, aim at a teammate, and press
to heal them. Also restores your weapons charge to full if hitting any Dino!
The second one is “Repair Field” which creates a AoE healing circle that last for 6-7 seconds and heals over time. Press
to deploy it.
The third one is “Vital Aura” which is your Ultimate/Overdrive. It will instantly fully heal nearby teammates and boosts defense. Press
to use it.
You should always keep an eye on your team's HP on the bottom left just above your own HP bar!
When healing, it is possible to overheal by 100HP. This extra HP is not permanent, and it will quickly dissipate after a 2-3 seconds. The overheal can last longer or kept consistently if healed again with ability, such as standing in the Repair field. When overhealed, the HP bar will be green instead of white, a full green bar means 100 extra HP. (All healers can Overheal!) (FYI, The “AID” RIG does not overheal!)The single target heal has 2 stacks and the cooldown is 12 seconds.
The AoE heal has 2 stacks and the cooldown is 16 seconds, so make sure you don’t just sit on them!
Don’t be to be afraid to deploy the Repair Field too often, put it on top or near the team, everyone usually groups up in it. As the heal field stays for 6-7 seconds, this can be useful to keep everyone inside the heal full for its entire duration, so you don’t have to wait for the teams HP to be low to use it!
Use your single heals on anyone that needs it asap! Watch out for any stragglers away from the team, especially the ones that are melee focus and the tanks.
Great times to get overheals with Repair Field -- When the match starts and waiting on the wall to go down
- When you get to the next objective area, as everyone is always huddled together waiting for the dinosaurs to spawn.
Also, healers in general have a good chance to be MVP if you’re healing the team constantly and effectively! So don't worry about not getting XP!