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Spear Stopper achievement in Exoprimal

Spear Stopper

Stopped a Triceratops charge with Roadblock.

Spear Stopper0

How to unlock the Spear Stopper achievement

  • ManicMetalheadManicMetalhead
    14 Jul 2023 14 Jul 2023
    During matches of Dino Survival, you slowly work your way through waves of dinos at different points.
    At one of the later two points (generally the last one), a large Dino will spawn.
    It’ll either be a Carnotaurus or a Triceratops.

    When it’s a Triceratops, you need to be playing as the tank Exosuit called Roadblock. You can either start the game as Roadblock or switch partway through (I switched to Roadblock the second I heard the Triceratops spawn in).

    You switch by pressing cn_back, selecting the suit you want and then pressing cn_Y.
    After a few seconds, you’ll be able to enter your selected suit by pressing cn_Y+cn_B

    Once you’re the Roadblock, watch and wait for the Triceratops to back off a little. Then it’ll begin to charge. Make sure you’re directly in its charge path and press and hold cn_LT to pull up a Reinhardt-style shield.

    As the Triceratops charges into you, you’ll clash and hold it at bay, stopping the charge.
    This achievement should then unlock.
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    Spicy Eggroll1Funnily enough I was up in the Triceratops face with the shield up when it charged! It may always charge when it backs away, so being close might not affect if it charges or not.
    Posted by Spicy Eggroll1 on 14 Jul 23 at 18:40
    The SCHWARTZ 00Got this achievement just now, there's something so bad ass about halting a Triceratops charge and keeping your team safe.
    Posted by The SCHWARTZ 00 on 20 Jul 23 at 01:02
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