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Threat Level Rising achievement in Exoprimal

Threat Level Rising

Experienced a dinosaur upgrade for the first time.

Threat Level Rising0

How to unlock the Threat Level Rising achievement

  • Spicy Eggroll1Spicy Eggroll1
    15 Jul 2023 15 Jul 2023 08 Aug 2023
    To get this achievement you would need to have a "Trigger Neosaur" spawn in the game, and be killed. It will only spawn for the losing team, the achievement, however, will unlock for both teams, as both teams are experiencing the "Dinosaur upgrade". (The advantage and disadvantages of the Dinosaur Upgrade) Thanks to Smudge Skyrider for the clarification on it working for both teams!

    The spawn of a Trigger Neosaur depends on player progression (Mid to late game) for Neosaurs (Mutated Dinosaurs) to spawn in general (You may get in matches with no Neosaurs, depending on RNG and/or the progression of other players)

    Note - The Trigger Neosaur is a catch-up mechanic, but it does not spawn in many games. As people have mentioned in the comments, people with many played games including those with 100+, and have yet to see one.

    NutriWhip Commented that the losing team needs to be 2-3 objectives behind the enemy for it to spawn. (May increase the spawn chance, plus able to get 2 in a game)

    NEW - I had a game where the enemy team had a Trigger Neosaur spawn but was only 1 objective behind. So either there is some randomness to it or it's predetermined if it will spawn in that particular match. I've noticed that it spawns in matches with the more rare and dangerous dinosaurs such as the Stealth Neosaur, Pyro Neosaur, and Umbral Neosaur! If your Dinosaur Cull objectives have these rare Dinosaurs, there's a good chance that a Trigger Neosaur could spawn! (It is common is be matched up with people with low progression, which means no Neosaur spawns or no rare Neosaur spawns)

    The Trigger Neosaur looks like the Gas Neosaur (Red exploding one) and the Sniper Neosaur (Purple) but it is gold in color. When it spawns in the game, Leviathan will announce it, and it will be on the map as a gold dot.

    What a Trigger Neosaur does is increase the difficulty of the dinosaurs and hinders the opposing team in some way. When you kill it, your team has a brief time period to accumulate a score which in turn increases the difficulty of the dinosaurs. (The difficulty level goes up to 5)

    Description from the official site -

    “Trigger Neosaurs, which are special dinosaurs with a golden sheen, may appear during a mission.
    Defeating a Trigger Neosaur strengthens the dinosaurs fighting the enemy team for a set period of time, making mission progression that much harder for them.”
    Showing most recent comments. View all comments.
    S GTno luck after 160 games
    Posted by S GT on 18 Jul 23 at 00:17
    NutriWhipGuys, it's not random.

    You have to be 2-3 objectives behind. When this happens, the game will start a short mini-game after you kill a specific dinosaur. The screen will go all gold when this happens. You can earn up to 15,000 points and this will upgrade the enemy team's dinos and make them harder so you can potentially catch up to them.

    This has been consistent for me over 60+ games so far. I just got out of a really bad match where my team was 3 objectives behind the whole time and we triggered this upgrade sequence twice in this match.
    Posted by NutriWhip on 18 Jul 23 at 04:36
    Spicy Eggroll1Hey NutriWhip! I just added your insight to the guide. I already knew that it was a catch up mechanic, but didn’t know the extent for it to spawn!
    Posted by Spicy Eggroll1 on 18 Jul 23 at 07:27
    Smudge SkyriderHey just to add to this if it hasn't been said already - you don't need to be the ones to trigger the mechanic by defeating the Trigger Neosaur. If the other team trigger it and you face the upgrade that counts. This is how the achievement unlocked for me.
    Posted by Smudge Skyrider on 18 Jul 23 at 14:09
    Spicy Eggroll1Thanks Smudge! I got the achievement from my side first, and wasn’t sure if that worked as well! Will add that in!
    Posted by Spicy Eggroll1 on 18 Jul 23 at 14:26
    LanceX2lvl 60. never seen this
    Posted by LanceX2 on 24 Jul 23 at 21:47
    Wicked JeiGame 99 I finally saw a trigger neosaur
    Posted by Wicked Jei on 08 Aug 23 at 04:58
    ChuppernicusI played the PvE mode and didn't help with the objectives. We were 2 or 3 objectives behind and the announcer said we were way behind. He then triggered the little glowing gold guy right near the team and I killed him. I was at about 55 games in. Only my 3rd PvE match.
    Posted by Chuppernicus on 05 Sep 23 at 01:16
    Devious JediYou can semi "Force" this.
    I'm level 54, set cross play off.
    If you manage to get into a solo game, do nothing to help, I stayed by the start until the game forced me to advance.
    Eventually the other team went way ahead and the game spawned in the Trigger Neosaur.

    I even went as far as using the dominator to spawn I to the enemy camp and aimed at their dinosaurs to assist their progress.

    Obviously this can only work if you have progressed a decent way into the story to regularly spawn Neosaurs.

    I managed to force this on my 1st solo game at level 54 but could be done earlier I guess if your actively going for it.
    Posted by Devious Jedi on 10 Mar 24 at 11:18
    HerekongatóI just got this achievement, maybe they changed something because it really felt just like the other story missions.
    The other team was bots only, and my team had only 1 player, me, and 3 bots. I only had 65 battles (random only) before finishing everything (except the 100k kills)
    Posted by Herekongató on 20 May 24 at 19:49
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