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Arms Dealer achievement in Exoprimal

Arms Dealer

Unlock three rigs.

Arms Dealer0

How to unlock the Arms Dealer achievement

  • S GTS GT
    14 Jul 2023 14 Jul 2023
    32 1 1
    Go to Hangar and click on your preferred fighter.
    -rb to go to rigs and modules
    -click on the gun symbol under RIG
    -on the right side you see "shield", "blade", and "drill fist" might be different ones but its always 3 locked rigs.
    each is 3000bitcoin so just reach the required rank which is 37 i think and unlock those 3 for 1 character and it unlocks
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    BinaryXcellenceNot sure why you got downvoted, but to avoid the nitpicking downvotes you should probably specify that when you unlock the rig (like the generic modules) it's unlocked for all the exosuits.
    I don't recall when the first two unlocked, but the last rig is definitely at level 37, so that's the requirement to get all three unlocked (you're technically right, see the first note). I gave you an upvote, by the way. The best (and most complete) guide that's posted.
    Posted by BinaryXcellence on 17 Jul 23 at 04:37
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