60 0 18Actions Level 1, you will come to a guy looking out a window over a courtyard. Kill him and pick up the sniper rifle and clear out the 3 guys in the courtyard below before going down the fast rope. Once you kill them use the fast rope and it will autosave. Run across the courtyard and approach the door from the right side of the statue. Throw a grenade at the door as you pass the statue and run up towards the door to get the soliders to come out. Your grenade should blow up right as they start coming out and get all 3 of them, plus one guy who stays inside. It might take a few runs to get it right because the guy who stays in the building sometimes wont get killed, but the checkpoint is where you used the zipline and since you already cleared the courtyard there will be no resistance. Just reload the checkpoint and try again. You will get it soon enough!Guide not helping? View 1 more guide for this achievement.Showing most recent comments. View all comments. FANTASTIC! Only took me a couple tries. I thought this one was going to be the cheevo that kept from 100% THANKS!Posted by Lord Forbes on 13 Oct 13 at 03:08 Incredible guide. Thanks!Posted by MarkA1009 on 24 Dec 15 at 16:04 eventally ,cheersPosted by Dadmix on 19 Jan 19 at 01:36 Leave a comment
28 0 1Actions Rogue WarriorGang-Bang Achievement GuideClick Here For More Guideshttp://www.youtube.com/user/NeedtoAchieve?feature=mhee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Showing only comment. cheers it helped. took me long enough got my first achievement for his in 2011 lolPosted by Dadmix on 19 Jan 19 at 01:43