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Dreadnought achievement in Star Trek: D·A·C


Destroy all 5 ship classes plus 1 escape pod using the Missile Cruiser in Versus Multiplayer


How to unlock the Dreadnought achievement

  • JaggedCraneJaggedCrane
    05 Dec 2009 05 Dec 2009
    To complete this you must destroy the 5 ship classes (Flagship, Missile Cruiser, Bomber, Fighter and Support Frigate) and a escape pod using the Missile Cruiser in online versus mode. Fill all slots with AI players and fire from a small distance, the Missile Cruiser will kill any ship in 2 hits. To make this easier try to find a Support Frigate as this will allow you to fire almost continuously. If you are having trouble with this you could boost it with a friend.
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    The DrenThis worked, I also set the AI to easy, match to 30 minutes and kills to 200. I never saw it unlock, but at the end of the game I had 100 kills and it was there. Don't forget your power ups with the bumpers if you haven't played this in a while.
    Posted by The Dren on 06 Dec 09 at 18:27
    BrionicManchildI have found if you hold down the right trigger it will charge up your next shot, i was able to take down a flagship in only 1 shot.
    Posted by BrionicManchild on 12 Jan 10 at 08:57
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