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FAIL OVER achievement in Full Void


Every custom fail cut-scene? Busted! You've seen it all.


How to unlock the FAIL OVER achievement

  • HerjukHerjuk
    05 Sep 2023 11 Sep 2023 14 Sep 2023

    My guide will show you how to get every death cutscene, but basically there are 13:

    1. Main enemy (get it from death on first screen)
    2. Spider (in the sewer or other places)
    3. The dog - at the river or a couple of screens before, also in the sewer
    4. The worm - In the pool in the robot complex
    5. The Centipede - In the robot complex going throught the air vents or in the library
    7. Drowning - At the river with the dog, in the sewers or anywhere with water
    8. Falling - load of places to do this just fall from any height, can be done about 3-4 screens from the start
    9. Steam - I did this in the sewers but there are loads of places
    10. Fire - in the air vents
    11. Electrocuted - jump on the energy capacitors in the powerstation
    12. Crushed - get crushed by pistons in the air vents
    13. Explosion blast - in the final level

    If you follow my guide this will pop in the final sequence with blasts. If this hasn't popped, use chapter select to unlock. The video shows lots of ways you can get to see the above death cutscenes.

    Skip to time block for relevant achievement

    04:15 I believe I can, Oh
    05:34 Reality Check
    07:03 Vertical Escape
    08:16 Slice of Fright
    20:50 Stone Dignity
    21:35 Platform Sip
    22:02 Clean Conduct
    01:08:10 Fluid Form
    01:10:54 Junior Detective
    01:18:27 Crumble’s Caress
    01:22:10 FAIL Over
    01:25:45 Freedom’s Light
    Showing only comment. Leave a comment.
    PanzrammerYou can get all those deaths with chapter select, no specific order except the final death (#13) which will not count unless the other 12 have happened. If you think you have done them all, go back to last chapter to die by that pink blast again.
    Posted by Panzrammer on 14 Sep 23 at 10:41
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