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Jacked In achievement in Starfield

Jacked In

Access 50 Computers

Jacked In0
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How to unlock the Jacked In achievement

  • GG ZeusGG Zeus
    09 Sep 2023 09 Sep 2023 09 Sep 2023
    22 1 6
    Accessing computers around the game will come through story progression, but I just found a few computers in new Atlantis that popped my achievement. These are the Information Kiosks, I’m not sure how many there are but I found around 5 in close proximity to each other and that popped my achievement. So you can technically use all the computers in New Atlantis to get your achievement if there is 50.
    Good luck 😉

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    CANADIAN VIRU5TerraBrew Kiosk also count , thats how i got mine
    Posted by CANADIAN VIRU5 on 15 Sep 23 at 17:40
    Apostle92627Is there a way to tell how many you've accessed? I can't find it in the stats section.

    EDIT: Nevermind. I picked up this achievement randomly during a mission.
    Posted by Apostle92627 on 21 Sep 23 at 05:21
    Adam CorelaIs it cumulative across all playthrough? I swear I have accessed way more than 50 in my three playthroughs combined.
    Posted by Adam Corela on 10 Oct 23 at 17:36
  • Have you got any tips or tricks to unlock this achievement?
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  • Kodiak393Kodiak393
    03 Sep 2023 10 Sep 2023
    This achievement popped for me when I accessed a Research Station I had built at my own outpost. Theoretically I suppose this means you could build a bunch of them at an outpost and finish it that way, but realistically it's easiest to get this one naturally, making sure you hit up every computer you pass. Just try to include Research Stations and Mission Boards and the like as you go, as I'm fairly certain they count.
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    LPCastlethis popped for me when accessing the research station on my ship so may be possible to spam the same computer 50 times?
    Posted by LPCastle on 02 Jan at 21:59
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